Recurrent High Fever in Teenagers

If your teen has a high fever, you might be concerned. Oftentimes, a fever is caused by a viral infection; however, sometimes, your teen’s fever might occur due to a bacterial infection or inflammatory condition. Knowing how to treat a high fever will assist with providing your teen some comfort.

How Has Texting Affected the Social Lives of Teens?

Talking on the phone is so old school. Most teens today prefer texting. About 75 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds in the United States own cellphones, and 75 percent of these teens send text messages, according to the Pew Research Center's Pew 2010 Internet and American Life Project.

What Are the Effects on Teenagers When They Move to a Different City?

Changing neighborhoods and school environments can be very traumatic for teenagers -- more so if the move is due to an already stressful situation. You might notice that the move affects your teenager in several ways.

The Effects of Pop Culture on Teenagers

While the research on the effects of pop culture on teenagers is not yet conclusive, the predominance of pop culture in today’s society definitely has some effect. In particular, it affects the way teenagers think of themselves, how they associate with others, and how they express characteristics of their maturation.

Good Diets for a Teenage Guy to Lose Weight

Obesity in adolescents 12 to 19 increased from 5 to 21 percent between 1980 and 2012, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How Does Music Affect Teenagers' Emotions?

Family arguments over teenagers' music-listening choices are as old as disagreements over who washes the dishes or takes out the trash. Parents' musical tastes are often very different from those of their teenage children; however, music has the potential to affect emotions.

How to Deal With a Teenage Daughter Who Hits her Mother

When a child abuses a parent, the problem often goes unreported. Parents have a natural desire to protect their children, so the idea of seeking mental and even legal help is dismissed in the interest of protecting the abuser. This is done all while attempting to preserve the parent-child relationship.

Gallstones in Teenagers

According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, gallstones are small substances that can move out of your gallbladder and create a blockage that results in intense abdominal pain.

The Effects of Peer Pressure on Teenagers

Teenagers strive to fit in with their peers as they begin to spend less of their free time with their families and more of it engaged in activities with friends. Peer pressure can have negative and positive effects on teenagers. Teens may aspire to get good grades and join a club that a peer whom they admire leads.

Growth Spurts in Teenagers

Due to increasing amounts of sex hormones during and after puberty, boys and girls grow considerably during their teenage years, according to the website Kids Health. While girls tend to begin these growth spurts earlier, boys tend to grow taller and over a longer period of time.

Is It Safe for a 14-Year-Old to Drink Protein Shakes?

Although some 14-year-olds have tried -- or are thinking about trying -- protein shakes, there are some safety concerns for kids who take dietary supplements.

Is Coffee Healthy for Teens?

Along with wine, beer and cocktails, coffee has long been considered a beverage for adults. More and more teenagers, however, are consuming the caffeinated beverage, reports a study published in 2014 in “Pediatrics.