How Long Should Teenagers Exercise?

Teenagers who regularly get exercise are more likely to maintain a healthy weight, less likely to develop certain diseases and more likely to feel good in mind and body, according to TeensHealth from Nemours.

Exercise Plans for College Students

As a college student, your schedule probably includes classes, homework, studying, exams, extracurricular activities, social obligations and perhaps even a part-time job. With such a hectic lifestyle, it’s sometimes difficult to find time for a workout.

Normal Weight Gain for Teen Boys

Gaining weight is a normal aspect of your life, regardless of gender. However, understanding the average or “normal” weight gain measurements for your body can be helpful in tracking your health as you age.

Why Do Girls Gain So Much Weight During Puberty?

Rapid weight gain is normal in girls during puberty, according to the website. Puberty typically begins between ages eight and 13, and lasts about two to four years. During this time, the amount of fat, muscle and bone changes quickly as girls make the transition into womanhood.

Hot Flashes in Teenagers

It is possible for children and teenagers to experience hot flushes or hot flashes similar to those of menopausal women. However, while hot flashes are normal and expected in older women, they are not common or normal for teenagers. Hot flushes usually signify an underlying condition that requires medical attention.

Extreme Fatigue in Teenagers

Teenagers have a lot on their plates, from school work, social stresses, personal growth and perhaps first jobs. With all of the changes taking place, it’s no wonder that teenagers are often exhausted. The Children’s Hospital Boston reports that fatigue is a common complaint among teenagers.

How Many Calories Should a 14-Year-Old Eat in a Day?

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the average 14-year-old male needs about 2,200 to 3,200 calories per day, and the average female needs about 1,800 to 2,400 each day.

Grants for Married Women

Being married is really no obstacle to getting grants for school. In fact, most federal grants work off of income level, not marital status, so being married presents little challenge even for traditional avenues of funding.

Low Libido in Teenagers

Mother Nature has a wicked sense of humor. Libido – or sex drive -- reaches a peak in males during their adolescence and 20s. Women reach their sexual peak during the mid-30s, just as the men are beginning to wane in their sexual interest.

Height Growth in Teenagers

Boys and girls have dramatically different height growth as teenagers. Whereas boys grow more than 5 inches between the ages of 13 and 15 years, girls grow only 1.6 inches during their teenage years after growing more rapidly than boys before adolescence.

Reasons Teens Engage in Risky Behavior

The teen brain is hardwired to take risks even if a young person knows about the associated dangers.

Easy Diets for College Students

College is a time of excitement and growth in knowledge, social life and yes, possibly even your body size. Changes in lifestyle habits, such as diet and physical activity, are risk factors for college weight gain.