Recurrent High Fever in Teenagers

 by Nicki Howell

If your teen has a high fever, you might be concerned. Oftentimes, a fever is caused by a viral infection; however, sometimes, your teen’s fever might occur due to a bacterial infection or inflammatory condition. Knowing how to treat a high fever will assist with providing your teen some comfort.

If your teen has a high fever, you might be concerned. Oftentimes, a fever is caused by a viral infection; however, sometimes, your teen's fever might occur due to a bacterial infection or inflammatory condition. Knowing how to treat a high fever will assist with providing your teen some comfort. Also, it's important to know when your teen's ongoing fever is a reason for concern.

Fever Reducers

Before giving your teen a fever reducer, talk with her doctor. Typically, for a fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, you doctor will recommend a medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, according to the Mayo Clinic; however, never give aspirin to your teen. This medication is linked to a serious and potentially fatal disorder called Reye's syndrome.

Prescription Medications

A bacterial infection might be to blame for your teen's ongoing fever. If your doctor diagnoses your teen with this type of infection, she might prescribe an antibiotic. Make sure your teen is taking the medication as prescribed. Even if she starts feeling better, don't let her stop taking the antibiotic. Discontinuing use might result in the infection getting worse.

Natural Fever Reducer

If your doctor doesn't recommend using a fever reducer, try a lukewarm bath, recommends the Mayo Clinic. Instruct your teen to get into the bath, filled with lukewarm water. Ask her to sponge water over her arms, legs and torso. This helps cool the body temperature. However, monitor your teen closely. If she starts to shiver, end the bath, as this generates muscle heat, resulting in an even higher fever. Encourage your teen to dress in cool clothing after finishing her bath. Also, remove warm blankets and electric blankets from her bed. Provide a light blanket and keep the house a comfortable temperature.

Red Flags

There are times when your teen's ongoing fever is a reason for concern. If her fever isn't getting better within 3 days, it's time to call the doctor, recommends the Mayo Clinic. Also, once her fever reaches 102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, you should seek medical advice. This might be the sign of a more serious infection. Also, a teen who has a stiff neck, sensitivity to bright light or difficultly breathing needs immediate care. When in doubt, always consult your teen's doctor. She can tell you if an ongoing fever is reason for concern.


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