Pimple-Like Bumps on the Scalp

A number of conditions, including folliculitis, can cause pimple-like bumps on the scalp. Visit the dermatologist if you're concerned.

How to Remove Peeling Skin From a Sunburn

Knowing how to properly care for a sunburn can help minimize the discomfort and speed up the healing process.

How to Get Rid of Peeling Skin Fast

There is no safe way to quickly remove all peeling skin. Your best bet is to keep the skin moist, which can safely hasten peeling, or hide the peeling skin, while you wait for your skin to get back to normal.

Is It a Pimple or Cold Sore?

Pimples and cold sores differ from one another in many significant ways, including causes, patterns of occurence, signs and symptoms.

Your Obsession With Avocados May Send You to the Hospital

More and more people are running to the ER with "avocado hand" or injuries sustained by trying to pit avocados.

5 Exercises to Get Rid of Armpit Fat

Unlike abdominal fat, armpit fat does not increase your chances for chronic health problems. This doesn't mean it is any more tolerable to deal with. It still causes feelings of frustration and a lowered self-esteem.

11 Warning Signs Your Skin Is Sending You

Rashes, growths and skin conditions can often be a clue that something much more severe is going on inside the body. In most cases, you’ll experience a handful of symptoms that indicate it’s time to visit a doctor. Read on to learn what your skin might be trying to tell you.

What Are the Causes of White Spots on Tan Skin?

White spots on the skin become more noticeable with a tan. This often prompts people to search for the cause. Most white spots are not due to a serious medical condition.

How to Treat Sore Legs After Running

It is normal to develop some soreness anytime you use a muscle group vigorously or for a prolonged period. Soreness in your legs that develops immediately after running usually fades over the course of several hours.

How to Fade Stretch Marks Naturally

Stretch marks — those pesky lines on your belly, thighs and elsewhere — are most often caused by weight gain and pregnancy, which cause the skin fibers to stretch. An increase in the hormone cortisol, which causes the skin to lose elasticity, may also be to blame.

Bumps on Skin After Swimming

Sometimes skin bumps and other rash-like symptoms appear after recreational water exposure. These rashes are most often caused by sensitivity to chemicals in the water, or due to a reaction from an waterborne infectious agent.

What Causes White Hair at a Young Age?

The most common cause of white, gray or silver hair is thought to be genetics, but sometimes this change is related to a health problem.