What to Eat When You Have Hives

Hives are itchy and annoying, and no food can cure them. For a quick fix, you'll have to take antihistamines. However, vitamins D and C may offer some relief.

Henry Halse
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What Causes Breaking Out in Hives?

Hives occur when specialized immune system cells in the skin, called mast cells, activate. Activated mast cells release inflammatory chemicals, including histamine and others. This causes dilation of nearby blood vessels and leakage of fluid into the superficial skin layer, resulting in hives.

Ciele Edwards
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How to Make Sun Hives Go Away

Sun hives, or photodermatitis, occur when the skin has an abnormal reaction to sunlight. Several factors can cause sun hives, including an allergic reaction to sunlight, diseases such as lupus or medications that cause photosensitivity, such as St. John’s Wort.

Max Whitmore
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Hives Caused by Exercise

Hives -- raised, itchy welts on your skin -- can develop as an allergic reaction to exercise. If exercise-induced hives don't resolve within 10 minutes, call your doctor.

Carol Sarao
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Chronic Urticaria Diet

Also referred to as chronic hives, chronic urticaria is diagnosed when a case of hives lasts more than six weeks or recurs frequently. Hives are patches of itchy red or white bumps or welts that appear on the skin.

Krista Sheehan
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Hives on My Face

Hives are bumps that surface and spread over your body. Hives on the face are more prominent, as they are more difficult to conceal. Still, hives are not as likely to occur on your face as they are on other parts of your body.

Kristeen Cherney
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How to Get Rid of Hives on Your Face

Hives, or urticaria, are raised, pink, itchy bumps that develop on the skin. They usually occur in response to an allergic reaction, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, but infection, stress, cold and other causes are possible.

Sandra Ketcham
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Are There Certain Fruits to Avoid with Hives?

Hives, or urticaria, is a skin condition in which raised red welts, also called wheals, appear on the surface of your skin and is often accompanied by itching, according to Pubmed Health. If you are prone to hives, you know that some foods can trigger their apparition.

Aglaee Jacob
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