5 Inspiring Catchphrases and How to Develop Your Own

No matter our pursuits, we can tap into the power of this literary tool and harness it to propel us toward our goals.

10 Ways to Learn to Love Yourself More

We can so easily be our own worst critics, quicker to give ourselves a thumbs down than our frenemies are. Whatever imperfections we find now may either multiply with age (like wrinkles, bad knees and love handles) or begin to disappear in the face of unconditional love for ourselves.

'Strong Is Sexy' Can Even Be Hard for Simone Biles

Simone Biles is showing that strong is sexy while competing on "Dancing with the Stars" this season.

Kim Kardashian & Chrissy Teigen Pick an Unexpected Book Club Read

Kim Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen are starting a book club, and their first read may be shocking to fans as it has to do with health.

Be Your Own Valentine 7-Day Self-Love Challenge With Sophie Gray

A 7-day self-love challenge hosted by Sophie Gray, an Instagram healthy lifestyle star. The challenge launches on February 8.

How to Help a Loved One Lose Weight (Without Hurting Their Feelings)

Is someone close to you trying to lose weight? Here's how you can help them in an effective and kind way.

Factors Affecting Self-Esteem in Teens

Low self-esteem can be a large burden for a teenager. Teens with low self-esteem are at risk of being bullied, bullying others, using drugs and alcohol, and having suicidal thoughts.

The Effects on Teenagers' Self-Esteem After Losing Parents

The death of a parent is considered one of the most painful, if not traumatic, experiences for a child. When death occurs during adolescence, it complicates a teenager’s natural process of defining her identity in the world.

Signs of Low Self-Esteem in Women

Women who show signs of low self-esteem have a damaged sense of self-worth that most likely began in childhood.

How to Improve Self-Confidence in Sports

Pro, amateur or weekend warrior -- everyone who participates in competitive sports can have problems with self-confidence at one time or another. Even more than raw talent, your level of confidence and belief in yourself can determine whether you succeed or fail.

How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle

Establishing a healthy lifestyle is a common goal, but it's not always clear where to begin. The first step is to believe you can make any change you want. Then start making small adjustments in diet, outlook and exercise, and you're on the way to a healthy lifestyle.

How to Get Elmer's Glue Out of Hair

Getting Elmer's glue in your hair is a typical rite of passage for most children. It's not very difficult to remove the glue from your own or your child's hair, even if it has become a sticky mess. You most likely have the tools at hand to resolve the problem in less than an hour.