How to Get Elmer's Glue Out of Hair

 by Nicole Carlin

Getting Elmer's glue in your hair is a typical rite of passage for most children. It's not very difficult to remove the glue from your own or your child's hair, even if it has become a sticky mess. You most likely have the tools at hand to resolve the problem in less than an hour.

Getting Elmer's glue in your hair is a typical rite of passage for most children. It's not very difficult to remove the glue from your own or your child's hair, even if it has become a sticky mess. You most likely have the tools at hand to resolve the problem in less than an hour.

Step 1

Wet the hair and apply conditioner to the glue-covered area.

Step 2

Cover the hair with a towel, and allow the conditioner to soak into the hair for 20 minutes.

Step 3

Comb through the hair with a fine-tooth comb, dislodging the glue from the strands of hair.

Step 4

Rinse the conditioner out of the hair.

Step 5

Use baby oil if the conditioner does not work. Repeat the same process as above, and allow the oil to sit for 20 minutes on the hair before combing.


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