Protein, Ketones and Kidney Stones

Kidney stones may not be on your mind when beginning a weight-loss diet, but if you plan to follow a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet plan, they should be.

Can Whey Protein Cause Kidney Stones?

Whey protein typically comes in powder form and is used as a supplement to daily protein consumption. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, eating too much protein can have long-term health effects, including the development of kidney stones and liver damage.

How to Increase Electrolytes in the Body

Your body has charged particles known as electrolytes. Examples of electrolytes include calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. These electrolytes are responsible for maintaining fluid balance in the body, and their electrical charge helps produce energy in the body.

What Are the Causes of a Swollen Kidney?

Your kidneys serve a vital role in removing waste and excess fluid from your body through urination. Sometimes one of the kidneys becomes swollen. A swollen kidney is generally due to a serious disorder that requires medical attention.

What Causes Epithelial Cells in a Urinalysis?

Epithelial cells in the urine usually represent a normal finding. Abnormal numbers or types of epithelial cells sometimes indicate an underlying health problem.

Kidney Disease Symptoms & Pains

Kidney disease is caused by many different conditions that damage the kidneys and reduce kidney function. Approximately one in nine Americans has been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, according to the National Kidney Foundation.

Snacks for Diabetics & Renal Failure Patients

People with either renal failure or diabetes already have strict nutritional guidelines necessary for optimal health. If you have both diseases, choosing which foods to eat or avoid can be confusing.

Can Certain Foods Help Pass Kidney Stones?

When your kidneys are not functioning properly the collection of urinary wastes can develop into kidney stones.

How to Help Pass Kidney Stones

Most kidney stones form as a result of chemicals that are deposited in the kidneys and not passed from the body through urination. Crystals form and attach themselves to the wall of the kidney especially when urine is highly acidic and concentrated, according to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Renal Unit.

What Are the Causes of Kidneys Leaking Protein?

Healthy kidneys prevent proteins in the blood stream from spilling into the urine. This is why doctors often first suspect kidney disease when a patient presents with elevated urine protein, or proteinuria. Proteinuria often occurs when the kidneys become inflamed or diseased.

Acute Renal Failure Symptoms From Overdose

Acute renal failure involves the sudden loss in the kidney’s capacity to function, according to The kidney is a vital organ that filters excess electrolytes and waste materials out of the bloodstream.

How to Treat Kidney Stones With Vinegar

Kidney stones involve a combination of factors, and almost all stones are formed when chemicals that are normally suspended in and pass with urination remain in the kidneys, creating crystals.