Can Green Tea Cause Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones, hard deposits of minerals and acid salts that form inside the kidneys, can be very painful. Several things can cause kidney stones, including over-concentration of the urine, metabolic or genetic disorders, and infections.

Albumin Deficiency

Albumin deficiency, or hypoalbuminemia, is an abnormally low level of the protein albumin in the blood. You might have it tested as part of a standard panel of liver function tests. The normal range for albumin is 3.5 to 4.5 mg/dL. If your albumin level is less than 3.5 mg/dL, it is considered low.

How to Neutralize Oxalates in a Diet

Too many oxalates in the diet can lead to health problems, including kidney stones. Following a diet that is low in oxalates may help reduce the risk of kidney stones, and it may be possible to neutralize some of the oxalates before they are absorbed by the digestive tract.

Female Kidney Stone Symptoms

Approximately 5 percent of women will develop at least one kidney stone before reaching age 70, according to health officials at UpToDate, a peer-reviewed medical information website for patients. Kidney stones are small, rock-like masses composed of excess minerals within the urine.

Can Eating Too Much Spinach Give You Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are clusters of crystals that form inside your kidneys. These stones can form when substances normally present in urine -- such as calcium, oxalate or uric acid -- become too concentrated.

Symptoms of a Struvite Kidney Stone

Unlike more common calcium kidney stones, struvite stones are formed by bacterial waste products during a kidney or urinary tract infection (UTI). Struvite stones are more common in women, infants and the elderly as such individuals are more likely to have UTI.

How Is Osmosis Used in Kidney Dialysis?

Kidney dialysis is used to replace normal kidney function when the kidneys have become damaged and no longer function properly. The kidneys help control the levels of certain dissolved minerals called electrolytes as well as help filter out waste products (metabolites) that are created by cells using energy.

What Causes Low Creatinine Levels?

Creatinine is a waste product from normal muscle metabolism. It is easily filtered out of the blood by well-functioning kidneys and levels typically remain relatively stable in the body and bloodstream over time. Creatinine is often included in routine laboratory testing to evaluate kidney function.

What Are the Causes of Kidney Scarring?

Scarring of the kidneys is often presumed when there is persistent elevated urine protein, or serum creatinine. However, doctors are often unable to tell the cause of the scarring unless a biopsy is performed.

How to Use Olive Oil and Lemon Juice for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are gravel-like pieces that form in the kidneys from excess calcium deposits. They cause pain, tenderness in the back and blood in the urine as the stones make their way from the kidneys to the urethra for passage.

Causes of Kidney Failure in Young Adults

Healthy kidneys cleanse the excess fluid, minerals and other bodily waste products collected by the blood by producing urine. They also help balance the volume of electrolytes and regulate the pH range in the body.

How Do Heat Injuries Cause Kidney Failure?

Heat injuries are a significant cause of kidney failure. Heat injuries are generally grouped into two categories--classical heat stroke and exertional heat stroke. Of the two types, exertional heat stroke is more commonly associated with kidney failure.