Difference Between Basic Insurance & Major Medical Insurance
Choosing a health care plan often comes down to cost, but don't forget to compare the monthly premium with the amount of coverage you get. Major medical insurance is designed to cover you during everything from routine check-ups to major catastrophic events.
Health Insurance for Newborn Babies
Becoming a new parent can be an overwhelming experience. Your priorities and lifestyle change and you have many new practical concerns in coping with the addition of a new member to your family. However, in the midst of changing diapers and 2 a.m.
The Benefits for the Wife of a Veteran If Divorced
What benefits a wife of a veteran receives in a divorce is a complicated issue governed by a range of federal and state laws. Divorce cases are governed by state laws, with state divorce courts deciding any issues in the cases.
What Can You Spend Social Security Child Survivor Benefits On?
When a parent of a minor child dies and has had Social Security taxes long enough, the child is entitled to survivor benefits until he is 18 or 19 if he is still in high school.
Social Security Disability Benefits & Joint Child Custody
If your family situation involves issues of Social Security Disability benefits and joint child custody, you are dealing with two areas of law: federal law regarding Social Security rules and state law regarding court child custody orders.