Teen Mothers and Their Responsibilities

Teen mothers face daily challenges as they struggle to take care of their child and find a way to be the best parent they can. Because most teen mothers are still attending school or college, finding the time and financial means to finish their education should be a high priority alongside raising their child.

Julie Boehlke
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How Do Insurance Companies Test for Nicotine?

When applying for life insurance, and in some cases health insurance, certain lifestyle habits may end up costing you more each months in premiums. One of these habits is smoking or other nicotine use. Employers who provide health insurance as part of their benefits package may also charge more in premiums for smokers.

Chris Sherwood
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Public Health Nutrition Education

Public health nutrition education aims to teach and implement nutritional programs and policies in a public health setting. Education for public health nutrition can have different focuses and varying forms.

Andrew Sheldon
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How to Care for Your Broken Nose

A broken nose is evidenced by pain, swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes. This injury is common in sports because the nose protrudes from the face and is especially susceptible to trauma.

Kay Ireland
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Difference Between Basic Insurance & Major Medical Insurance

Choosing a health care plan often comes down to cost, but don't forget to compare the monthly premium with the amount of coverage you get. Major medical insurance is designed to cover you during everything from routine check-ups to major catastrophic events.

Jenni Wiltz
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Health Insurance for Newborn Babies

Becoming a new parent can be an overwhelming experience. Your priorities and lifestyle change and you have many new practical concerns in coping with the addition of a new member to your family. However, in the midst of changing diapers and 2 a.m.

Bryan Berg
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