Social & Emotional Benefits of Regular Exercise
You already know the physical benefits of exercise: better health, reduced risk of potentially serious disease, lower blood pressure and a well-toned body. Exercise carries emotional and social benefits as well.
How to Calculate a Child's Social Security Disability Benefits
Disabled and blind children are eligible for Social Security benefits under the Supplemental Security Income program.
Social Security Benefits for Children of Deceased Parents
Created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 as one of his "New Deal" programs, Social Security is one of the most important government programs in American history. This social insurance program was established to provide pensions to retired workers age 65 and older that might otherwise have no source of income.
How to Find My Child's Social Security Number
You will need your child's Social Security number to claim your child as a dependent on a tax return; apply for government benefit; obtain health insurance; buy savings bonds; or open a bank account for your child.
What Can You Spend Social Security Child Survivor Benefits On?
When a parent of a minor child dies and has had Social Security taxes long enough, the child is entitled to survivor benefits until he is 18 or 19 if he is still in high school.
Social Security Disability Benefits & Joint Child Custody
If your family situation involves issues of Social Security Disability benefits and joint child custody, you are dealing with two areas of law: federal law regarding Social Security rules and state law regarding court child custody orders.