Ways to Stop Coughing Attacks

Troublesome coughing attacks can often be interrupted with short-term remedies, such as hot tea, honey or cough lozenges.

Signs and Symptoms of Bacterial Infection

Bacterial infections cause various signs and symptoms, largely depending on the site of infection. Systemic signs and symptoms, such as fever, are also common.

How to Clean an Infected Nose Piercing Site

Prompt treatment of an infection can speed healing and prevent its spread, so be sure to follow aftercare instructions from your piercing professional.

Flu Shot Side Effects, Including Fatigue

If the odds of winning the lottery were 1 in 5, the line for tickets would be long indeed. In fact, as many as 1 in every 5 Americans get the flu each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These high odds could be decreased if more Americans took advantage of influenza immunization.

Symptoms of Head Shingles

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 3 people will develop shingles at some time during their life. The disease is caused by varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox.

What Is the Difference Between Penicillin & Amoxicillin?

Penicillin and amoxicillin are more alike than different, but there are minor differences between these drugs, including indications for use, form and dosing.

Home Remedy to Draw Out Infection

Small skin abscesses or boils typically need to drain in order to heal. Home remedies, especially warm compresses, can speed this process.

How Does Tamiflu Work?

Tamiflu is an antiviral prescription medication used to treat influenza type A and type B found in the human body. The generic drug is known as oseltamivir phosphate. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says Tamiflu isn't a substitute for the flu vaccine.

Small Red Bumps on the Bottom of the Foot

Finding small red bumps on the bottom of your foot can be alarming. However, usually the cause of these bumps is a benign and treatable condition known as athlete's foot. Treatment consists of non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic measures and is relatively simple.

The Effects of Decongestants

With more than 30 million Americans suffering from congestion, decongestants are a popular over-the-counter medication, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pseudoephedrine, or Sudafed, and phenylephrine, or Sudafed PE, are the two most common oral decongestants available OTC.

Symptoms When Going Cold Turkey

Smokers who go cold turkey will undergo withdrawal symptoms, both physically and mentally. The body is used to its regular dose of nicotine and craves it when you suddenly give up the habit. The ex-smoker may suffer from anxiety, frustration and impatience. This is a major reason many people go back to smoking.

The Effects of Antibiotics on the Fetus

Antibiotics are derived naturally from molds and bacteria or are synthesized in a laboratory and are used to treat bacterial infections. As with other drugs taken during pregnancy, antibiotics may reach the fetus by crossing the placenta and can affect the fetus in several ways.