Does Greek Yogurt Fight Candidiasis?

Greek yogurt makes a healthy addition to any diet plan, and the friendly bacteria used to give Greek yogurt that distinct taste may offer some protection against candidiasis.

Are Oranges Good for a Cough & Phlegm?

Vitamin C positively affects the respiratory system, but oranges can't cure your cold. The amount of vitamin C needed to affect your symptoms is available only from supplements.

How to Get Nutrients Back After a Stomach Flu

If you have no appetite after stomach flu, when you feel better, drink lots of fluids and eat nutritious foods containing protein, probiotics and electrolytes that will help you recover quickly.

How Long Is a Flu Virus Contagious?

Influenza, or the flu, spreads from one person to another because millions of new viruses are shed during the illness that can then infect others.

Are Flu Shot Symptoms Contagious?

More than 40 percent of people who receive the flu shot experience side effects such as injection site pain, a low-grade fever, a cough or a runny nose. These symptoms are almost always mild and rarely last longer than a day or two.

Influenza Virus Characteristics

The influenza virus, conversationally called the flu, is an illness that's highly contagious and causes a number of different symptoms. There are many different types, or strains, of the influenza virus.

Complications of Influenza B

Influenza B is a viral infection that attacks parts of the respiratory system such as the nose, throat and lungs, according to There are three types of influenza viruses: A, B and C.

Signs & Symptoms of Type A Influenza

Influenza, or the the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by an airborne virus. Here are influenza A symptoms to look out for.

Foods to Avoid for Chicken Pox

Figuring out food for a chicken pox infected child can be frustrating, because even the most adventurous eaters can get picky when they're sick. Bland comfort foods are your best choice for keeping them nourished while they heal.

How to Remove Gauze That Sticks to Wounds

What do you do if the gauze protecting your wound is suddenly stuck? Don't panic and follow some easy steps to remove the gauze from your wound without causing any further damage to your skin.

Differences Between Influenza A and B

The flu is caused by viruses in the family Orthomyxoviridae. Influenza viruses types A and B cause seasonal flu outbreaks, and the flu vaccine provides protection against both virus types.

4 Things You Need to Know About the Flu Incubation Period

While vigilant hand washing and receiving the flu shot are helpful in preventing the flu, no measure is 100 percent effective. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu is very contagious and can even go on to cause other complications like pneumonia, ear infections and dehydration.