How to Restore a Broken Friendship

Rules may be made to be broken, but not when it comes to friendships. The rules of friendship, if broken, can destroy trust and tear relationships apart. If you want to restore your friendship, you have to mend what was broken, and that isn't always easy -- but with time, sacrifice and effort, it is usually possible.

What Are the Benefits of Effective Communication?

Despite the many technological devices now available to facilitate conversation, knowing how to communicate clearly is as necessary as ever.

How to Deal With People Who Complain All the Time

There is a distinction between people who are chronic complainers and those who are actually in need of help. A person who genuinely needs advice and actually asks questions will only inquire about something once and then usually thank you for your input.

How to Know If You Should Fix a Broken Friendship

Friendships are crucial for a happy, fulfilled life. Friends provide support, love and an emotional connection that may be lacking elsewhere. However, arguments and misunderstandings between friends may lead to conflict.

How to Read Body Language for Love Signals

Flirting is instinctual, report researchers at the Social Issues Research Centre. It is one of the basic foundations through which the human race attracts and meets mates in order to propagate the species.

Qualities of a Good Role Model

Youngsters usually benefit from having a relationship with someone older and wiser to mentor them. Although the mentor might be a teacher, family member or more experienced peer, not everyone is suitable to be an influential, positive role model.

How to Win Your Best Friend Back

You haven’t spoken to your best friend in months. Maybe you got a new boyfriend she didn’t like, or maybe you found separate hobbies. If your heart feels chopped in half by the split, you may want to win your best friend back. However, not all friendships are meant to last forever.

How to Mend a Broken Friendship

Gone are the days when you and your best friend shared everything from your deepest secrets to your favorite clothes. Whether you're at fault or she is, mending a broken friendship is far from easy. If the relationship means enough that you aren't willing to simply throw it away, fixing it is possible.

How to Make it Up to a Friend After Being Mean

"Friendships are wonderful and life affirming. If we're lucky, each one provides us with new wisdom so they get better and better," says psychologist Irene S. Levine, author of "Best Friends Forever: Surviving a Breakup With Your Best Friend."

How to Survive High School Without Friends

Surviving high school without friends may be difficult or boring, but it is not impossible. Many teens find socializing awkward due to personal shyness or anxiety. This can make the process of forming friendships complicated.

How to Find Old Friends From Elementary School

Tracking down old school friends is not only a great way to widen your social circle, but it can give you an opportunity to rediscover a part of yourself. Irene S. Levine, Ph.D. writes in “Psychology Today” that rediscovering a friend you have a shared history with can be a treasure.

How to Get Rid of a Roommate Legally

Living with a roommate with whom you do not get along can be a nightmare. Getting your roommate to leave, however, can be worse. No matter the source of the conflict, there are a number of ways you can get your roommate to move out.