How to Make Friends at 40

For years, sociologists have noticed an interesting trend: people build plenty of friendships in their 20s, but find it difficult to make and maintain friendships as they move into their 30s and 40s. Often, this is due to factors like work and becoming busy with family.

How to Gain Respect From Friends

Everyone wants to be respected. It means you’re making a difference, that people hold a high opinion of you and that you treat others with the respect they deserve. “Respect, in many ways, defines who you are, how you are perceived and how you are remembered,” says N.

How to Get Over a Broken Friendship

For many people, friends are more like family: they're there through all of life's ups and downs. This can make losing a close friend as devastating as breaking up with a long-term partner. Sometimes friends simply grow apart and find they have little in common anymore.

How to Reconcile a Broken Friendship

Recovering a broken friendship not only helps to heal your hurt, but it can also improve your quality of life. A study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, reports that for women, sharing close friendships may reduce stress and allow you to live a happier and healthier life.

Emotional Barriers to Effective Communication

Whether you want to run a successful business or maintain close ties to friends, family and love interests, effective communication is one important element to keep in mind. Effective communications involves more than just speaking, it involves active listening as well.

Effective Communication Between Friends

Every good friendship requires mutual respect and trust. However, these components won't be there without effort and energy from both parties. Effective communication is needed to build and maintain a healthy, solid foundation for a friendship.