Causes of Outer Ear Pain

Outer ear pain occurs with many conditions, ranging from a minor infection of the ear canal to a severe ear injury, among others. Here's what you need to know about causes of outer/external ear pain.

Nose Bleeds & Vitamin Deficiencies

Nosebleeds, also called epistaxis, have a variety of causes and occur more often in children under the age of 16. In most cases, nosebleeds are caused by minor trauma and stop bleeding within minutes, especially if ice is applied or the bridge of the nose is pinched.

How to Sleep With Ear Infections

Although most common in children, ear infections occur in people of all ages. Often, ear infections are complications of the cold or a respiratory infection, but they also can result from irritants such as water being trapped inside the ear.

What's Chronic Tonsillitis in Adults?

Tonsillitis is a result of an inflammation of your tonsils. Fortunately, it's not fatal and there are a variety of treatments available.

How to Stop Sinus Drainage in the Throat

Sinus drainage occurs when excess mucus drains down the back of the throat. This post-nasal drip tends to trigger coughing, and contributes to the misery of allergy and cold symptoms.

10 Common Communicable Diseases

Communicable diseases are caused by germs passed from one person to another. Viruses or bacteria are the most common germs causing communicable diseases. The common cold, strep throat, gastroenteritis and herpes infections are among the most common communicable diseases.

Remedies for Inner Ear Itching

Itching in the inner ear can be caused by dry ears, earwax, infection, skin conditions or allergies. The best treatment depends on the cause. Minor itching related to dryness or too much earwax may be successfully treated at home, but see a doctor for persistent itching or pain .

What Causes a Metallic Taste in the Mouth?

We tend to take our sense of taste for granted — until something goes wrong. A metallic taste in the mouth is a form of dysgeusia, an abnormality of the sense of taste.

How to Get a Pill Unstuck From Your Throat

When you swallow a pill -- either prescription medication, an over-the-counter type or a vitamin formulation -- it can sometimes feel as though it is stuck in your throat.

What Causes Red Ears in Children?

When your child appears to have red ears it could mean her body is attempting to get rid of a virus or bacteria. However, there are other causes of red ears in childhood.

Causes of Profuse Sweating and Dizziness

Dizziness and profuse sweating occur with a wide range of conditions and disorders that range in severity from harmless to potentially life threatening.

What Juice Helps a Sore Throat?

What juice helps a sore throat depends on what type of sore throat you have. Most sore throats don't benefit from juice at all, as juice's high acidic content can aggravate irritation. But a sore throat without other symptoms might be the result of dryness.