What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Anemia in Women?

Anemia occurs when there is a problem with the red blood cells. Women with anemia may lack sufficient red blood cells or their blood cells may contain low levels of the protein hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body.

Types of Parasitic Nematodes

Nematodes are small worms found in water, soil, plants and animals, and there are roughly 10,000 known species throughout the world. While some nematodes are free-living, others are parasitic and need other organisms (called hosts) to keep themselves alive.

What Foods Lower Blood Sugar Fast?

Diabetes causes elevated blood sugar, or glucose, and is very sensitive to diet. Although no food has been proved to lower blood sugar fast, certain foods can lower blood sugar over time. Foods high in fiber, such as beans and nonstarchy vegetables, may improve glucose control for those with diabetes.

How to Raise Hemoglobin Levels Fast

Hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells, carries oxygen from your lungs through your bloodstream to all of your cells. Red blood cells are red because of hemoglobin.The amount of hemoglobin you need is based on age and gender. Men need between 14 and 18 gm/dL and women need 12 to 16 gm/dL.

How Long Does it Take to Reduce Cholesterol Levels?

The time it takes to lower your cholesterol depends on a number of factors, all of which vary for every person. Most important is your understanding of the changes you must make, the guidelines in place to make them and why these guidelines are in place.

Can Milk & an Apple Lower High Blood Sugar?

Milk and apples have earned their status as health food because together they provide many essential nutrients, such as high-quality protein, dietary fiber, potassium and calcium. A good diet can help prevent chronic diseases, and a nutritious diet is even more important if you have high blood sugar.

High Cholesterol Level Above 300

According to the American Heart Association, 35.7 million Americans have a cholesterol level of 240 mg or higher, putting them at serious risk for heart disease. If you have a cholesterol level of 300 or more, this is cause for concern.

What Is Mild Anemia?

A reduction in the normal amount of red blood cells in the body causes anemia. Red blood cells, which are produced in the bone marrow, contain hemoglobin molecules that carry oxygen to all parts of the body. If red blood cells decrease, hemoglobin and oxygen availability decrease accordingly, resulting in anemia.

Long Distance Running & Low Blood Sugar

While running a marathon or long-distance event, your body first will burn through your stored carbohydrates and then burn stored body fat to maintain the energy you'll need.

Donating Blood and Working Out

Taking care of your body through exercise and giving back to the community by donating blood are two ways to promote personal health and wellness. Combining the two tasks, however, leaves many people wondering what the safety guidelines are for exercising in relation to giving blood.

Increase Blood Circulation in the Head During Sleep

Several serious medical conditions can restrict circulation to the head, both during sleep and waking hours. Thankfully, many of these problems can be treated to help restore blood flow to the brain while sleeping.

Effects of Eating Too Many Carbs

Carbohydrates provide your body with essential energy, but an overload of carbohydrates can have negative side effects in your body and for overall health. Some of the common symptoms associated with a carbohydrate overload include high blood sugar levels, adrenal fatigue, bloating and weight gain.