What Your PDA of Choice Says About You and Your Relationship

Actions speak louder than words, and this couldn't be truer when it comes to our choice of PDA. So what does your PDA say about you?

10 Silent Relationship Killers That Could Ruin Your Love

Everyone knows the obvious ways to sabotage a romantic relationship, but there are also many subtle ways you can erode your bond.

9 Science-Backed Ways to Win People Over

We've rounded up eight habits of likable people that you can add to your repertoire. It's not magic, it's science!

How to Do a Social Media Detox and Still Have Friends

Social media has changed the way we relate to and interact with people — in some ways, for the worse.

11 Signs You're Definitely NOT Over Your Ex

Sometimes we get stuck in the post-mortem of a past relationship for months or even years. Here's how to know if you're having trouble moving on as well as what you can do.

Amazon Will House the Homeless in Its Headquarters

Amazon has just announced that it will transform a large part of its Seattle headquarters into a permanent homeless shelter.

Looking for Love? Here's How to Get Out of Your Own Way

Many singles are hoping for long-term love, and if you're among them, you're not as alone as you might feel. The following factors could help explain why you've been single longer than you'd like.

This Is What a Large Age Gap Does to Your Relationship

According to new research, married couples with large age gaps initially experience more satisfaction than same age couples, but their happiness soon fizzles.

The Incredible Effect Your Best Friend Has on Your Health

According to science, having good relationships and an active social life is crucial to maintaining not just emotional, but physical health.

8 Ways a Dog Will Change Your Life

Owning a dog requires a great deal of responsibility, but in return you’ll get love, devotion and one of the most rewarding relationships you could ever have.

How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

While there’s no magic formula to outright prevent a broken marriage, there are things you can do to make your union as strong as possible. Here, the experts share their advice for staying together over the long haul.

How to Talk to Your Partner About Their Smartphone Obsession

Is Facebook ruining your sex life? If so, you're not alone. Learn the signs of digital device obsession and learn from top experts how to unplug and reconnect.