Why Vegans Are Furious About the UK's New 5-Pound Note

The vegan lifestyle can be hard to live by. But with a new British note infused with tallow, being vegan in the UK just got even harder.

Hillary Eaton
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The Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Out of all the diets championed by health experts these days, veganism can seem like the most intimidating. The name almost sounds like a religion. And perhaps that’s fitting: Many vegans cite ethical reasons for why they only eat plant-based foods.

Katie Farmand
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Effects of a Vegan Diet on the Brain

Dietary patterns don't only affect your muscles and fat deposits; they also have a significant impact on the brain. A vegan diet, which excludes all animal products including dairy and fish, can provide benefits for brain health when it is balanced.

Nicole Crawford
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Can Vegan Diets Cause Skin Problems?

If you follow a vegan diet and remove all animal proteins and dairy from your diet, you might develop a deficiency in certain nutrients, particularly vitamin B-12, zinc and iron. Animal proteins and dairy products are the best sources of B-12, zinc and iron.

Sharon Perkins
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Can a Vegan Diet Lower Testosterone Levels?

By eliminating meat, fish, poultry and all animal products from their diets, vegans can experience unwanted side effects related to hormone imbalances. Although they avoid the hormones found in some meat and dairy products, vegans tend to eat higher than average amounts of hormone-like compounds in plant foods.

Matthew Lee
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What Amino Acids Do Vegans Tend to Lack?

Getting enough essential nutrients can sometimes be a concern for those on specialized diets, such as meat, dairy and egg-free vegan diets. A varied diet, fully obtainable with vegan restrictions, can provide all the amino acids required for complete proteins and good health.

Nadia Nygaard
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Vegan Diet for the Gallbladder

A vegan diet — one that avoids all meat, dairy and animal byproducts — offers many benefits, including improved gallbladder heath and function. The gallbladder is one of the smallest organs in the body; this pear-shaped sac containing bile is located on the underside of the liver.

Liz Miller
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Vegan Meals With 400 Calories

Vegan diets focus solely on plant foods, avoiding meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. You may opt for a vegan diet for environmental, ethical or health reasons. While a plant-based diet is a healthy choice, some vegan meals can be high in calories.

Michelle Powell-Smith
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Meal Plans for Vegan Athletes

Being a vegan athlete includes consuming a healthy diet excluding any products containing meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy. Stereotypically, this diet is not supported for athletes due to the belief that protein and other nutrients are required to perform successfully.

JoAnne Barbieri
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How Can Vegans Get Probiotics?

Probiotics are various strains of bacteria found in fermented or cultured foods that may promote digestive health, manage allergies and asthma, and benefit your immune system. Common sources of probiotics are yogurt and other dairy products like kefir, which contain live cultures of the beneficial bacteria.

Jennifer Gill
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The Dr. Oz Vegan Diet

Dr. Mehmet Oz, director of New York Presbyterian Hospital's Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program and award-winning host of "The Dr. Oz Show" says becoming a vegan -- eliminating all animal products from your diet -- will lower your risk of heart attack, obesity and diabetes.

Michelle Kerns
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PCOS and a Vegan Diet

Unlike a vegetarian diet, a vegan diet does not include dairy or eggs. This diet is ideal for people who need to lower their fat intake or who just want to optimize their health. Vegan diets concentrate on the intake of grains, vegetables and fruits, which all help to ward off health problems.

April Khan
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