When Does a Toddler Cut Molars?

Teething in babies varies widely, but most children cut their first teeth between the ages of 4 and 7 months. After the first tooth pokes through, parents play the waiting game to determine when the rest of the pearly whites will make their appearance.

Erica Roth
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Walking Pneumonia in Toddlers

A Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, more commonly known as "walking pneumonia," is a mild form of pneumonia that can affect people of all ages, including toddlers. The disease is not common in children under 4, unless your toddler is in preschool or daycare programs.

Chris Sherwood
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How to Care for Toddlers With Pneumonia

Contact your toddler’s pediatrician immediately if you suspect he has pneumonia. Pneumonia symptoms include fever, cough, chills, rapid breathing, nasal flaring, chest pain, wheezing and nasal congestion. In severe cases, your toddler’s fingernails and lips may turn a bluish gray color.

Melissa McNamara
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Signs & Symptoms of Gastroinstestinal Problems in a Toddler

Gastrointestinal problems in toddlers range from short-term illnesses, such as gastroenteritis and food poisoning, to food sensitivities and long-term conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Regan Hennessy
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What Does Drooling Mean in a Toddler?

Drooling is the unintentional escape of saliva or other substances from the mouth. Drooling can be a messy business for parents with lots of laundry on the horizon. Your child drooled as a baby and continues as a toddler, past the point at which you though he would stop.

Erica Roth
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How to Treat Boils in a Toddler

Boils, which look like large pimples, are tender, red bumps on the skin caused by bacteria. Boils are typically minor infections that can be treated at home.

Leigh Wittman
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Natural Ways to Calm a Toddler's Cough

Coughs are common in toddlers, and can be caused by the common cold, whooping cough or other viruses. The Food and Drug Administration warns not to give children over-the-counter cough medicine because of the risk of overdose and side effects such as heart problems.

Susan Street
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How to Soothe a Toddler with Sunburn at Night

A toddler can become sunburned in a matter of minutes, but symptoms may not show up until six to 12 hours following sun exposure. Even minor sunburns in toddlers can leave the skin warm, red and painful and interfere with sleep. More severe burns can cause chills, blisters, headaches, vomiting and general illness.

Sandra Ketcham
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Can Diarrhea Cause a Rash in a Toddler?

Parents do everything to keep their kids healthy, but kids still get sick. If your toddler experiences a rash and diarrhea, he may have a medical condition, such as fifth disease or a milk allergy. Diarrhea can also be the cause of a toddler’s diaper rash.

Melissa McNamara
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When to Go to the ER for Toddler Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the body does not get all of the fluid that it needs to operate properly. According to the Babycenter website, babies and children are more susceptible to this condition. Your toddler can develop dehydration if he has a fever, sweats profusely, vomits or experiences chronic diarrhea.

Rose Erickson
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Rash Under Arm in Toddlers

Your toddler has been playing all day, and now there's a mysterious rash under his arm. If a rash appears under your toddler’s arm with no other symptoms, it could be from contact dermatitis, atopic eczema or even Lyme disease.

Melissa McNamara
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The Best Vegetables for Toddlers

Vegetables can be one of the most difficult foods to convince your toddler to eat. It is important to feed your toddler vegetables because they contain key vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support healthy growth.

Sara Ipatenco
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