What Parts of the Brain Are Involved in Speech?

Speech and other language abilities are lateralized brain functions, meaning they are all located on one side of the brain. For most people, the left hemisphere controls language.

Lia Stannard
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What Cranial Nerves Make Up the Parasympathetic System?

The parasympathetic nervous system activates the relaxation, or "rest-and-digest," response. Roughly the opposite of the "fight-or-flight" response of the sympathetic nervous system, the relaxation response involves restoration of energy reserves and other "peace time" functions, such as repair and reproduction.

Claudine Land
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Parts of the Brain That Influence Creativity

Creativity can be described loosely as the application of novel solutions and possibilities to some aspect of human endeavor. Creativity is easy to identify but notoriously difficult to measure.

Ryan Hurd
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Vitamins & Minerals for the Pituitary Gland

The "master gland" of the body, your pituitary gland -- located at the base of your brain -- secretes hormones that control the function of other glands throughout your body. It controls a range of physiological processes, including pubertal development and reproductive health, muscle growth and cellular metabolism.

Sylvie Tremblay, MSc
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Serotonin Vs. Melatonin

Serotonin and melatonin are both hormones that regulate various human functions such as sleep, appetite and mood. Serotonin, which is produced in the body, is known as a neurotransmitter; this means it is responsible for sending messages between nerve cells.

Clay McNight
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What Parts of the Human Brain Correspond to Emotion or Love?

Emotions, like fear and love, are carried out by the limbic system, which is located in the temporal lobe. While the limbic system is made up of multiple parts of the brain, the center of emotional processing is the amygdala, which receives input from other brain functions, like memory and attention.

Lia Stannard
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Parts of the Brain That Control Sight

Sight is a complex function of the brain that extends from the front to the back of the head. To produce sight, the eyes capture information and send it through the optic nerve to be processed by the occipital lobe.

Lia Stannard
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Food Sources of Acetylcholine

Acetylcholine is a major neurotransmitter in the nervous system. It is required for memory, concentration and focus, and it also plays a role in muscle coordination. Acetylcholine is not a component of foods; instead, it is built from choline. The more choline you eat, the more acetylcholine you can produce.

Danna Biala
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A List of Fatal Human Brain Diseases

Many different things can affect brain function, from infection, to trauma, to metabolic imbalances, but only a few of them are deadly. Most of these deadly diseases are equal opportunity, infecting just as many people from First World countries as they do from underdeveloped nations.

Dr. Franchesca Vermillion
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Lithium Aspartate Vs. Lithium Orotate

Lithium aspartate and lithium orotate are gaining recognition as supplements that can help decrease signs of brain aging, slow dementia, and fight depression and addiction. Lithium is a mineral that has long been used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression.

Ann Jones
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What Do the Parts of the Brain Control?

The brain is the most complex part of the body. It controls our movements, communication, decisions and emotions, as well as our organs.

Maja Fiket
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What Parts of the Brain Control the Parts of Your Body?

MayoClinic.com describes the brain as “containing billions of nerve cells arranged in patterns that coordinate thought, emotion, behavior, movement and sensation.” Each part of the brain is responsible for a specific function, and they all work together.

Rhonda Merritt
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