Best Vitamins to Take After Surgery

The best supplements for healing after surgery include vitamins A, C, E, D and the Bs, which help with immune function, wound healing and infection prevention.

Jody Braverman
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Effects of Anesthesia After Surgery

While anesthesia acts mostly during the operation, some effects may persist afterward. The types of after-effects depend primarily on the type of anesthesia -- general, regional or local anesthesia. With all types of anesthesia, most effects resolve within the first 24 hours after surgery.

Dr. Mary D. Daley
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What Are the Causes of Shortness of Breath After Surgery?

Shortness of breath after surgery can be very scary and, in some cases, life-threatening. It may include such sensations as feeling unable to take a big breath, tightness in the chest or difficulty breathing.

Amy Stumpf
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How Long Do Surgical Staples Stay In?

Surgical staples are widely used to close surgical wounds or trauma injuries, and are removed after the incision is healed.

Ken Chisholm
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Food Permitted to Eat After Intestinal Surgery

Intestinal surgery patients must follow strict post-surgery dietary guidelines. It is necessary to follow the guidelines set by your doctor so he can assess your progress and the effectiveness of the surgery.

Cheryl Hosmer
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Complications After Hammer Toe Surgery

Hammer toe is a deformity of the toe, in which one or both joints bend abnormally into a "C" shape. Hammer toe can develop in any of the lesser toes, but most often affects the second toe, according to the Merck Manuals. Hammer toes can become painful over time, as the joints lose flexibility.

Kathryn Meininger
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How to Remove Adhesive Bandages After Surgery

After surgery, your surgeon may apply a dressing coated with medical adhesive to support the area and prevent infection. The surgeon will change the bandage within the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure and may instruct you to change it at home every day.

Marcy Brinkley
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How to Treat Scars After Surgery

Surgical scars are a constant reminder of illness that has been conquered through a surgical procedure. Some scars are more prominent than others, however, and often do not diminish much after surgery. Treatments are available not only to fade surgical scarring but also to help heal the underlying tissue.

Sharin Griffin
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Complications After Craniotomy Surgery

A craniotomy is a surgical procedure in which a small portion of the skull is removed, allowing a surgeon to access the brain. This type of surgery may be beneficial for people who develop a brain aneurysm or tumor, or experience significant brain trauma.

Rae Uddin
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What Types of Food Are Considered a Clear Liquid Diet?

A clear liquid diet includes foods that are liquid at room temperature. These foods are easily digested, leaving no undigested residue in your intestinal tract. You doctor might prescribe a clear liquid diet prior to medical tests or surgery.

Laura Candelaria
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List of Soft Diabetic Foods to Eat After Oral Surgery

Oral surgery can necessitate limited foods for a patient in the days and weeks following the procedure. This is typically done to avoid traumatizing the mouth or damaging any repairs. A physician typically orders a soft diet for a specific time period following surgery.

Meg Brannagan
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Complications After Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure which allows the physician to examine and visualize the lining of the colon or large intestine for the presence of any abnormalities.

Helen Nnama
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