What to Expect After Paragard Removal

ParaGard® is a brand of contraceptive intrauterine device, or IUD. It is shaped like a “T” and is composed of several lengths of copper wire that make the environment inside the uterus inhospitable to sperm, therefore blocking egg fertilization.

Jason D. Hurt, MD
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Does Early Pregnancy Make You Disgusted by Coffee?

An aversion to certain foods and drinks, including coffee, is one common symptom of early pregnancy. While pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman, many women experience a disgust for coffee while in their first trimester of pregnancy.

Brian Connolly
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How to Help a Baby With Feet Swelling

If your baby is suffering from swollen feet, take him to a doctor to get a thorough checkup. While the swelling might be a symptom of a more serious disease, such as sickle cell anemia, it might be nothing more than a rash or the current texture and shape of your child's feet.

Jason Aberdeene
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Can Your Heart Muscle Ache After First Starting to Exercise?

Since the heart is a muscle, you may wonder if it will ache like other muscles when you first start to exercise. Unlike other muscles, your heart never gets out of shape from lack of exercise; your heart beats every day, every hour, every minute, no matter what you do.

Sharon Perkins
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Pregnant With Low Back Pain & a Lot of Tightening of the Stomach

As your body prepares to host another life for a few months, several changes take place. A rapid increase in hormones prepares your womb and body for many of the demands required to support another human being.

Allison Stevens
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Can Climbing a Staircase Affect the Position of My Baby During Pregnancy?

Optimal fetal positioning during labor -- where your baby is head down and facing your back -- positively influences your labor. Babies in this ideal position have an easier time moving through your pelvis and down the birth canal.

Michelle Johnson
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Shooting Pains at Four Months Pregnant

Pregnancy causes your body to go through many changes. Tissue upholding your uterus stretches, which has the ability to cause sharp, shooting pains on either side of your stomach that venture down your thigh, into your leg, according to Cleveland Clinic.

Amber Griffin
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How Soon Can Headaches Start When Pregnant?

Headaches are one of the most commonly reported symptoms among pregnant women. There are a number of likely causes. Some are quite serious, but most pose little threat to the mother or child. If you are pregnant, always keep your doctor apprised of any complications or symptoms you are experiencing.

Andrew Breslin
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How to Clear Your Sinuses When You Are Pregnant

Sinus congestion may result from viral or bacterial infections, allergies, environmental irritants or even the increased blood flow that naturally occurs during pregnancy.

Sandra Ketcham
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Why Do You Throw Up When You're Pregnant?

Most pregnant women know that the term "morning sickness" is a misnomer. For about three quarters of pregnant women, nausea is a first trimester daily event that doesn't discriminate against time of day, notes BabyCenter.

Kay Ireland
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How Early Do You Get Stomach Cramps When Pregnant?

Occasional stomach or abdominal cramping occurs throughout pregnancy. Many pregnant women experience cramps in the first trimester, sometimes before they know they are pregnant or soon after they discover they are pregnant. Abdominal cramps are also common in the second trimester due to growth of the uterus.

Alissa Pond Mentzer
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Feeling Extra Bloated at 7 Weeks Pregnant

At seven weeks into your pregnancy, the bloating you experience is just getting started. Bloating is common throughout your pregnancy, especially when your growing uterus starts pressing on your stomach. There are several steps you can take to ease bloating caused by gas and constipation during your pregnancy.

Melissa McNamara
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