Hazelnut Allergy

Food allergies can be debilitating conditions that limit not only your diet but your exposure to other products as well. Hazelnut allergy is a result of an immune reaction that attacks proteins in the nut.

Maria Hoven
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Nuts & Gastritis

Gastritis is the medical term for inflammation of the stomach lining. Although there are many potential causes, an infection with Helicobactor pylori, the bacteria responsible for most ulcers, is the most common. Symptoms, such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea and pain, can develop suddenly or over time.

August McLaughlin
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How Long Does a Reaction to Peanuts Last?

An allergy to peanuts is one of the most common food-related allergies, according to KidsHealth. In some people, an allergy to peanuts can be so pronounced that it is life-threatening.

Rachel Nall
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Is Celery Seed Good for Gout?

There is anecdotal evidence that celery seed is good for gout, but very little research exists to support the claim. Celery has been used in herbal medicine for thousand of years to treat ailments such as arthritis, indigestion and colds. Gout is a form of arthritis.

Sydney Hornby, M.D.
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Almonds & Arthritis

Almonds are a convenient snack for almost any occasion. They also make a tasty accompaniment to salad, vegetable dishes, cereal and yogurt. Almonds are not only packed with heart-healthy nutrients, but as part of a balanced diet, they might prevent or reduce arthritis.

Natalie Stein
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Substitutes for Allergy to Walnuts

Food allergies are chancy things. Sophisticated laboratory testing can analyze the antibodies in your system to determine not only which foods you might be allergic to, but which specific protein in that food. This is why allergy sufferers are sometimes triggered by one kind of nut, but not others.

Fred Decker
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Can Peanut Butter Make Your Butt Bigger?

The average American eats more than 6 lb. of peanuts and peanut butter per year, according to the American Peanut Council. Peanut butter can cause you to gain weight due to its calorie content, but it will not specifically increase the size of your butt.

Elizabeth Sullivan
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How Much L-Arginine Is Found in Nuts?

Since losing their undeserved status as a nutritional outcast, nuts have secured a more accurate reputation as a nutrient-dense food that promotes cardiovascular health and helps protect against weight gain and Type 2 diabetes.

Meg Campbell
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Raw Vs. Roasted Spanish Peanuts: Which Is Better?

If you like peanuts, peanut butter and peanut candy, you have no doubt eaten a Spanish peanut, whether you realized it or not. Spanish peanuts are typically smaller than regular peanuts and are covered in a reddish-brown skin. They are most often used to make candies and peanut butter.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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Peanut Butter Before Exercising

Peanut butter is a nutrient-rich, calorie-dense food that can be a healthy addition to nearly any diet. As with all foods, though, peanut butter isn't perfect for all situations. While peanut butter can help you bulk up when attempting to gain muscle, using peanut butter as a pre-workout meal isn't ideal.

Brian Willett
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Are Almond Nuts Good for Bodybuilding?

If you're a bodybuilder looking for a quality nutrition source to help build lean muscle mass, look no further than almonds. Almonds contain many vital nutrients, including protein and healthy unsaturated fats.

Nicholas Doukas
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Peanut Butter and Constipation

A feeling of incomplete evacuation, infrequent bowel movements and difficult-to-pass stools are all signs of constipation, according to Medline Plus.

Aglaee Jacob
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