Tingly Hands in Children

Tingling, also known as paresthesia, is the prickling sensation usually felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet. Tingling hands in children is usually harmless and may be the result of a number of different causes.

Kiki Michelle
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How to Relax the Nervous System Naturally

In modern life, we are often bombarded with information and sensory input, triggering the “fight-or-flight” response. The hypothalamus, in turn, causes the adrenal glands to release stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

Kristin Dorman
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Calcium's Effects on the Nervous System

Calcium is an essential mineral present in all of your body's cells, mostly in your bones and teeth, but in soft tissues as well. You can acquire calcium through foods and nutritional supplements, and it has a variety of effects on your body, including effects on your nervous system.

Joe King, M.S.
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How Does Exercise Increase Sympathetic Nervous System Activity?

Involuntary processes in your body such as heart rate and blood pressure are controlled by a segment of your nervous system called the autonomic nervous system. One part of the autonomic system, called the sympathetic nervous system, controls your basic “fight-or-flight” responses.

M. Gideon Hoyle
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Pinched Femoral Nerve Treatments

The femoral nerve is one of the largest nerves in the leg. The nerve and its branches supply sensation to the upper thigh and control the quadriceps muscle, which is responsible for straightening the knee. Femoral nerve pinching, or impingement, can cause various symptoms.

Tim Petrie
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Causes of a Numb Pinkie Finger

Finger numbness can significantly affect your ability to perform daily tasks. Normal sensation allows you to type without looking at your fingers, and prevents you from burning yourself or touching a sharp object.

Aubrey Bailey
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Herbs for Nervous System Disorders

Nervous system disorders affect your central or peripheral nervous systems, including brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.

Martin Hughes
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What Are the Causes of Sudden Drop in Body Temperature?

Like any other medical symptom, a sudden drop in body temperature can have many causes, some of which are quite normal. For example, people typically experience a rapid drop in body temperature before sleep, and women experience a drop in temperature each month before menstruation begins.

Sunny de Fortuna Rovescio
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Disorders of the Sympathetic Nervous System

The nervous system consists of three main nerve types. Sensory nerves supply humans with the ability to see, hear, smell, taste and feel. Motor nerves enable the brain to command the muscles of the body. Autonomic nerves regulate the function of the internal organs.

Charis Grey
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Causes of Clonus

When doctors check reflexes, they don’t always get a normal response. Clonus, a type of hyperactive reflex, is a rhythmic response to reflex testing. Instead of just one movement, a series of repetitive reflex movements are observed.

Jennifer Markowitz, MD
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How Are the Muscular & Nervous Systems Connected?

The word "muscle" comes from the Latin for "little mouse." In its overview of how the nervous system works and acts upon other bodily systems, the University of Michigan's Medical School emphasizes that all aspects are always fully coordinated and interrelated. For this reason, subdivisions into "central," "

Rebecca Bragg
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Vitamins to Improve Central Nervous System Health

The central nervous system includes the brain, brain stem and spinal cord and is the main infrastructure for electrical communication in the body. A variety of nutrients are required for normal neuronal development and healthy functioning.

Owen Bond
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