What Are the Effects of Water Intake on the Human Body?

You've probably often heard the guideline that you should drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water each day. Everyone knows that water is necessary for life and good health, but the actual effects of water on the human body may not be so clear.

Shannon Hyland-Tassava
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Can Gold Be Harmful to the Human Body?

Gold is more than just an expensive yellow metal. It has been exploited by physicians for decades to treat rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and a variety of other disorders.

Stephen Christensen
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Three Places Where Carbs Are Stored in Body

Carbohydrates are your body’s most efficient fuel source, and it is the only source of fuel for certain vital tissues such as your brain and blood cells. Therefore, your body has ways of storing the carbs you eat for future use.

Gina Battaglia
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Ankle Tendinitis Symptoms and Treatment

Ankle tendinitis refers to short-term inflammation of the tendons that surround the ankle joint. Tendons are fibrous tissue that connect muscle to bone and enable movement of the joint. Thirteen tendons cross the ankle joint. Ankle tendinitis can occur with increased use or an ankle injury, such as a sprained ankle.

Mary Atkinson Smith, DNP, FNP-BC, RN
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Why Does My Hip Pop When I Walk?

When you’re walking, the sensation of a popping hip joint can be very unnerving. Fortunately, a pain-free snapping or clicking in the hip region is rarely of immediate concern. In many cases, popping in your hip is the result of muscle and tissue imbalances that are often correctable by using stretches and exercises.

Meredith Victor
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Muscles That Control the Human Hand

The human hand is a picture of complexity and balance. The muscles that control the hand allow it to be strong and refined. Muscles that influence hand movement either originate on bones outside or inside the hand.

Tyler Shultz
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Voluntary Muscles in the Body

Voluntary muscles are one of three types of muscle in the body; smooth and cardiac are the other two types. There are more than 600 muscles in the body, and each falls into one of these categories.

Sarka-Jonae Miller
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Good Foods That Help With Lactic Acid Buildup in the Legs

While the idea of burning pain radiating though your muscles might seem alarming, for many athletes it’s all too familiar. Lactic acid, a byproduct of hardworking muscles, is responsible for the painful sensation.

Rachel Ewing, RD, LD
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Burning Thighs While Running

Running is an exercise that conditions overall and requires coordination of muscles throughout the body. Some runners notice a burning sensation in the legs during or after running, especially in the thighs.

Dr. Heidi Moawad
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Shoulder Muscle Tear Symptoms

A muscle tear in your shoulder can make simple tasks difficult, like reaching into a cupboard or grooming your hair. Tears in both the muscles and tendons of the shoulder are common injuries that often produce similar symptoms. Tears range from small to large, with larger tears are more likely to cause pain.

Erin Saether
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What Are the Causes of & Remedies for Stiff Back Muscles?

Stiffness felt throughout your back muscles comes from increased tension in your muscle tissue. The stiffness and back pain may occur in your upper back -- the thoracic and cervical regions -- or your lower back -- the lumbar region. Causes of increased muscle tension include trauma, overuse and poor posture.

Erin Saether
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What Are the Names of the Muscles in the Arm & Shoulder?

Your arm and shoulder contain many different muscles that allow you to perform daily activities. Showering, getting dressed, driving, lifting, carrying and sports activities all require these muscles to function together to coordinate movement of your shoulder, elbow and wrist.

Aubrey Bailey
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