Effect of Humidity on Human Hair
Humidity is an almost universal catalyst for frizzy or uncooperative locks--regardless of hair type. During periods of high humidity, even people who normally lack frizz-factor might combat dry, unmanageable, fluffy ends.
How Do I Get Rid of Laser Hair Bumps?
Laser hair removal is an ideal way to get long-lasting hair removal results. Laser light is aimed at individual hair follicles, sending them into a resting phase, which limits hair growth. Post-procedural instructions include treatment for red, swollen bumps that are a normal result of this procedure.
The Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal on the Face
Once of the most common and worrisome side effects associated with laser hair removal involves hair regrowth in the treatment area. Although touted as a permanent hair-removal technique, laser therapy does not guarantee permanent hair removal.
Side Effects of Hair Remover
Popular depilatory creams such as Nair and Veet remove hair by essentially melting the hair away. The creams contain chemicals that attack hair and break down its natural structure. After the proper amount of time has passed, the cream and what’s left of the hair slide down the drain with the rinse water.
How to Change a Hairline With Laser Hair Removal
Many people think their hairline is something they can never change and that unless they go bald, they'll be stuck with it forever. However, you can completely change how your hairline looks by utilizing laser hair removal.
Wax Vs. Laser Hair Removal
Hair removal is a major concern for many people. Some of the most popular forms of temporary hair removal include shaving, waxing, tweezing and using depilatory creams. Two forms of hair removal are considered permanent: laser and electrolysis.