How to Learn Hung Gar Kung Fu

Learn the Chinese style of kung fu called hung gar by practicing stances, hand techniques and striking.

Shane Hall
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How to Learn Kung Fu Step-by-Step

While learning Kung-fu isn’t easy, getting started learning isn’t tricky. Follow a step-by-step guide to begin a journey toward Kung-fu mastery.

George W. Citroner
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How to Learn Dragon Style Kung Fu Movements

Dragon Style Kung Fu channels the energy of the mythological dragon to create a fluid, counter-punching style of martial arts.

Henry Halse
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The Basic Techniques of Shaolin Kung Fu

When you learn Shaolin Kung Fu, start by perfecting fighting stances because they form the base for all other strikes and blocks.

Henry Halse
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How to Learn Kung Fu at Home

It's not easy to learn kung fu without a partner, but books, websites and DVD can help you get started.

Henry Halse
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The Order of Belt Colors in Kung Fu

As most people already know, kung fu schools often award their students colored belts to demonstrate their degree of training, time in rank and dedication to the art. Fewer people know that this is a relatively new part of kung fu training, a facet that became part of the art during the 20th century.

Jake Wayne
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What Is the Difference Between Karate & Kung Fu

Many people are confused about the terms "karate" and "kung fu," treating them as synonyms or simply not understanding the difference between these systems. Neither term actually refers to a single martial art; both words are blanket terms for a wide variety of distinct styles.

Scott Thompson
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Time Dedicated to Earning a Black Belt in Kung Fu

Kung fu is a traditional Chinese fighting art that combines unarmed offensive and defensive techniques with weapons. Like wushu, the term "kung fu" is used broadly to describe any type of traditional martial art developed in China.

Brian Connolly
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List of Kung Fu Fighting Styles

Kung fu can be as varied as the food selection at a Chinese buffet. With more than 2,000 years of history and tradition, kung fu fighting styles have evolved with changing times and new ideas, from traditional tai chi, Wudang and Shaolin styles to the more recent wing chun and choy lay fut kung fu.

Nick Ng
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Kung Fu vs. Taekwondo

Kung Fu and Taekwondo are two of the most well-known martial arts practiced all over the world. Both systems offer healthy physical conditioning and strong mental focus, but their training regimens employ different movements, strikes and philosophies.

Jay Goldsworthy
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Iron Body Training Techniques for Shaolin Kung Fu

Iron body is a subset discipline within Shaolin Kung Fu. Students of this martial art form subject themselves to daily exercises that harden body tissue. The practice is applied to the legs, trunk, hands, arms and head.

Luke Schmaltz
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Tiger Style Kung Fu Techniques

Many kung fu styles base their techniques on the movements of animals. These animals include the snake, dragon, crane, leopard and tiger, among others. According to the Shaolin Kung Fu Academy, a tiger stylist “leaps into attack” and goes for a quick resolution of a fight.

Mike McLaughlin
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