High-Fiber Diet & Bloody Stools

The sight of blood in your stool can be alarming. Common causes, however, such as constipation and hemorrhoids, are typically mild and no cause for alarm. A nutritious, fiber-rich diet can help manage or prevent your symptoms. Discuss dietary changes with a qualified health-care professional for best results.

August McLaughlin
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Can Psyllium Husk Cause Damage to the Intestines?

Psyllium husk is the gel-like coating on seeds of the plant species Plantago ovata. It is used by itself or as part of whole seeds to prepare the bulk laxative commonly known as psyllium.

M. Gideon Hoyle
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Brown Rice for Diarrhea

Everyone experiences diarrhea at some point, and no one likes to talk about it. A passing case of loose stool can often be treated at home with over-the-counter medications, and a temporary change in your diet can also be useful. Rice is one of the foods often recommended to help treat diarrhea.

Jody Braverman
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Fiber Foods and Messy Stool

If you suddenly start eating fiber-rich foods -- such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains -- you may develop messy stools that are loose and watery. MedlinePlus states that most side effects of eating a diet high in fiber subside within three days.

Diane Marks
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What Are Nonstarch Polysaccharides?

Nonstarch polysaccharides aren’t as complicated as they sound -- that term is just another name for a few types of fiber. What sets one carbohydrate apart from another is its size and structure, which in turn determines how, or if, it’s digested.

Sandi Busch
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Fiber & Fluid Retention

Fiber is an important nutrient that you are probably lacking in your diet. While other nutrients are important to supply your body with energy, fiber helps remove waste, excessive nutrients and water from your body. Edema is fluid retained in body tissues, such as fat.

Chris Daniels
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What Does Dr. Oz Recommend for Daily Supplements?

Your body requires a variety of micronutrients to maintain optimum health. They help build and strengthen connective tissue, prevent disease and convert food into energy. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can impair body processes and seriously compromise your immune system.

Linda Chechar
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Raisin Bran for Constipation

Bowel regularity is more of an individual experience than a collective one. One person might get rid of solid waste once or twice a day, while another might have the urge to eliminate just once every couple of days.

Meg Campbell
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Can You Take Probiotics and Fiber in the Same Day?

The short answer to this question is yes, you can, and your intestinal flora will love you for it. Probiotics and fiber shouldn’t cause you any problems when you consume during the same day, or even at the same meal.

Charis Grey
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Psyllium vs. Wheat Dextrin

Psyllium and wheat dextrin have more in common than the differences that set them apart. Even though their sources vary, psyllium and wheat dextrin are soluble fibers, which are commonly sold as over-the-counter laxatives.

Sandi Busch
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Psyllium Fiber Vs. Methylcellulose

A diet high in fiber can contribute to your health and overall sense of well-being.

Allen Bethea
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High-Fiber Foods to Manage Diverticulosis & Diverticulitis

Diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can develop anywhere in your digestive system, but are most commonly found in the large intestine. When you have diverticula, the condition is known as diverticulosis. This condition can lead to diverticulitis, which is the inflammation of the diverticula.

Natalie Stein
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