Is It Possible to Grow Your Eyebrows Thicker With Castor Oil?

Your eyebrows frame your face, so they're an important part of your look. If your brows are a bit too thin, they can distract people from admiring the rest of your features. Chemical hair-growth treatments help fill out sparse eyebrows, but you might feel reluctant to slather the stuff on your skin.

Melissa King
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Allergic Reactions to Eye Creams

Eye creams contain chemicals and compounds that give the product texture and scent -- and may cause allergic reactions. This condition, also known as contact dermatitis, may result in a number of symptoms that can vary from one person to another.

Kate Beck
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What Are the Treatments for a Bruised Swollen Eye?

A bruised swollen eye may occur as the result of an accident, sports injury or unfortunately a fight. A “black eye” is actually severe bruising underneath the skin that appears to be black. It can occur simultaneously with swelling. A bruised and swollen eye may be the indicator of a skull fracture.

Shemiah Williams
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