Ear Infections and Salt Water

An ear infection is a painful inflammation of the inner ear that causes a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. The most common treatment for an ear infection is a round of antibiotics that destroy the bacteria causing the infection.

Sara Ipatenco
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How to Soothe an Ear Infection

An ear infection is typically caused by a virus, which affects the area of space behind the eardrum, also known as the middle ear, says MayoClinic.com. They are common in children, but adults can suffer from the pain and pressure of an ear infection as well.

Kay Ireland
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Can Swimmer's Ear Cause Swelling of the Jaw & Ear?

Despite the name, you do not necessarily have to be a swimmer to get swimmer's ear. The risk of developing this condition goes up when water sits in your ear, but anything that irritates the canal may lead to an infection. Whether it affects the outer ear and jaw depends on a number of factors.

Darla Ferrara
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Causes of Throbbing Ear Pain

Otalgia is the medical terminology for ear pain. Ear pain can arise due to various causes. It is commonly due to local causes that arise from the ear or referred pain to the ear due to problems in nearby areas.

Vaishali Mehta
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Can Milk Protein Allergy Cause Ear Infections?

Consuming foods that trigger an allergic reaction places you at greater risk of developing secondary infections. Most symptoms from a milk allergy are the result of inflammation throughout the body. An ear infection can occur if you continue to ingest dairy products with a milk protein allergy.

Diane Marks
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Amoxicillin for Sinus & Ear Infections

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, develop when viruses or bacteria invade the cavities behind the nose. Middle ear infections, or otitis media, occur when organisms infect the fluid behind the eardrum. Doctors often prescribe amoxicillin, a penicillin-like antibiotic, for ear infections or sinusitis.

Sandy Keefe
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Causes of Ear and Head Pressure

The human head is designed with empty spaces called sinus cavities. The role of sinuses is not completely clear, but many scientists believe one function of sinuses is to clean the air as it is breathed in, according to the American Rhinologic Society.

Lynn Hetzler
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Ear Fungus Treatments

Fungus in the ear is commonly caused by the fungus aspergillus, or candida. This condition is also called otomycosis. Fungal infection of the ear is commonly seen in tropical climates. It is more common in hot climates and in highly humid conditions.

Vaishali Mehta
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Does an Ear Infection Affect Balance in Toddlers?

Ear infections, one of the most common childhood ailments, can make a toddler miserable. His ears hurt, his head may ache and feel stuffy, and his ears might feel full of pressure.

Maelin McCartney
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