10 Signs Your Partner Is About to Dump You

When it comes to getting the proverbial boot, it’s always nice to have a little bit of a heads up so you can prepare and respond accordingly. If the following warning signs pop up in your relationship, well, you may want to reevaluate your future.

Natasha Burton
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10 Things to Consider Before Getting Back Together

It may be tempting to resurrect even the most tumultuous of unions. Before you get carried away, ask yourself these key questions before saying yes to an ex.

Natasha Burton
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11 Signs You're Definitely NOT Over Your Ex

Sometimes we get stuck in the post-mortem of a past relationship for months or even years. Here's how to know if you're having trouble moving on as well as what you can do.

Natasha Burton
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The 7 Healthiest Ways to Deal With a Breakup

There’s really no delicate way to put it: Breakups suck. Here are seven expert-approved actions you can take to ease the pain.

Natasha Burton
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The 10 Things Single People NEVER Want to Hear

If you're single, you already know how irritating and repetitive some questions and well-meaning pieces of advice can be. If you're not, here are 10 things your single friends never want to hear.

Natasha Burton
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Signs of a Broken Heart

Depression, physical symptoms, anxiety and poor work performance can all be signs of a broken heart. Suffering a breakup is one of the most stressful life events a person can experience. It is important to understand the symptoms of a broken heart are normal and should only last for a few weeks to a couple of months.

Lauri Revilla
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How to Leave a Verbally Abusive Relationship Forever

Verbal abuse can be hard to detect, particularly in the early stages of a relationship, according to psychologist Marie Hartwell-Walker in her Psych Central website article, "Signs You Are Verbally Abused." Leaving can be very hard and the further into the relationship you are, the harder it is.

Dr. Jacqueline Simon Gunn
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Signs of a Narcissistic Boyfriend

If you have ever wondered if your boyfriend cares more about himself than he cares about you, you may be dating a narcissist. This type of relationship can make you question your sanity, since you will probably spend a lot of time wondering if your interactions are normal.

Jeanne Dupuis
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The Effects of Teenage Breakups

"Breaking up is hard to do," sang Neil Sedaka back in 1962, and he was absolutely right. Breakups are never easy, no matter what age you are, but for teenagers they can be particularly devastating. Teen couplings may be as fleeting as they are intense.

C. Giles
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How Long Does Therapy for a Broken Elbow and Humerus Take?

The time it takes you to recover from an upper arm and elbow fracture depends on the severity of the break. However, while the bones usually take six to eight weeks to knit together, it may take up to a year for the arm to fully return to normal.

Jessica McCahon
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What Can a Child Take to Break Up Phlegm in the Throat?

Excessive phlegm or mucous in the throat is a common childhood symptom. It can be caused by a number of ailments including allergies, the common cold, influenza and infections. The Food and Drug Administration warns that children under the age of 2 should never take over-the-counter decongestants.

Brenna Davis
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How to Heal Broken Skin Fast

Broken skin gives an entryway to disease-causing pathogens into the body. Healing the skin as soon as possible is therefore very important to maintain good health. If the cuts are limited to the epidermis, or the skin’s upper layer, you may not need to visit the doctor.

Paul Salton
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