When You Dance, How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

Most types of dancing raise your heart rate, making them an aerobic exercise. The amount of calories you burn while dancing depends upon your level of fitness, the type of dancing you do and the intensity of your dance workout. In addition, your current weight affects how many calories you burn while dancing.

Nina Makofsky
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Ballroom Dance Conditioning Exercises

Ballroom dancing may not be considered a sport, such as soccer, tennis or basketball, but it definitely places a lot of demands on your body while providing many health benefits.

Michele M. Howard
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How Many Calories Does Hip Hop Dancing Burn?

Hip hop dance is a style of dance that has its roots deep in urban culture. Hip hop is typically danced to upbeat hip-hop music and incorporates full-body movements that require significant amounts of muscle strength, stamina and endurance.

Alexis Jenkins
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The Benefits of Dance for Kids

If you have kids, you may be wondering what is the best way to channel their seemingly boundless energy. While traditional team sports are a good way to get your kids physically active, they may not be right for younger children.

Rebecca Lake
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What Are the Benefits of Ballet for Kids?

If your child has expressed an interest in dance and longs for her own satin slippers and pink tutu, consider enrolling her in a beginning ballet class. Ballet promotes physical strength and agility, can boost concentration, develops an understanding of music and rhythm and generates a love of movement.

Rebecca Lake
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Conditioning Exercises for Ballet Dancers

When training as a ballet dancer, many hours are spent in the studio working on set exercises or choreography. While ballet training may offer a type of fitness regime, in the December 2005 issue of "Dance Magazine,"

Elaine Wiltshire
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