The Best Diet for CIDP

Chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy, or CIDP, is an autoimmune disorder that involves nerve swelling and irritation. The cause of CIDP is usually not known, and it may occur with other chronic conditions, such as hepatitis, diabetes, HIV and lupus. Treatment often involves medication to treat the symptoms.

Ireland Wolfe
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How to Diagnose a Child Who Is Always Tired

While children and teens tend to need more sleep than adults, constant or chronic sleepiness could be a sign of a physical or psychological problem. Constant fatigue can effect a child's school work and social life.

Wallis Bishop
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Throat Clearing Tics in Children

Tics, such as clearing the throat, primarily affect children, but can continue into adulthood. According to Medline Plus, tics appear three to four times more in boys than girls and may affect 1/4 of all children at some point in time.

Jan Millehan
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What Are the Causes of Fatigue & Lack of Energy in Men?

Fatigue (bodily or emotional weakness) and lack of energy typically go hand in hand. Though both symptoms are common and often mild, persistent or extreme cases may indicate a serious underlying condition, such as depression, testosterone deficiency or a sleep disorder.

August McLaughlin
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My 4-Year-Old Is Tired All the Time

Children require adequate sleep each day to function properly. A 4-year-old who appears to be tired all day may be suffering from too little sleep. When specific symptoms are present, the fatigue could be due to an illness.

Sarah Harding
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Signs & Symptoms of Excessive Yawning

Yawning is a natural and involuntary bodily function that can be caused by fatigue, boredom or even a response to someone else yawning. But excessive yawning—which describes as one to four a minute—can be a sign that your diet is unbalanced, you have an allergy or a medical condition.

Jessica McCahon
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Foods That Cause Fatigue

Fatigue can be a feeling of sleepiness or lack of energy. Many of you have experienced it for a short while, or maybe for a long period of time. Fatigue can be caused by a number of reasons such as stress, lack of sleep, a medical disorder, intense exercise or even your diet.

Jill Armayor
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Chronic Endometritis Symptoms

Chronic endometritis is a female medical condition in which the lining of the uterus is inflamed. Women with chronic endometritis typically have a bacterial or viral infection that affects the reproductive system, such as bacterial vaginosis.

Rae Uddin
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Fatigue & Dizziness Symptoms

Dizziness and fatigue are two symptoms frequently reported to physicians in primary care practices. In a study conducted by Drs. Kroenke and colleagues and cited in "The Archives of Internal Medicine" in 1990 only 39% of patients reported receiving treatment that brought relief from these symptoms.

Lynn Chapman
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CNS Fatigue Symptoms

Central nervous system fatigue is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that involves peripheral muscle fatigue and the failure to initiate and sustain voluntary drive to the muscles by the central nervous system.

Adam Scarano
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What Are the Causes of Being Tired All the Time?

Fatigue is a common complaint today. Many people are tired occasionally, after a busy, over-scheduled day, but when fatigue becomes chronic and interferes with daily activities, there may be an underlying reason. A recent survey by Sydney's Woolcock Institute of Medical Research in Australia found that 11.

Deborah Dunham
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Causes of Fatigue and a Racing Heart

Fatigue is medically defined as a reduced ability to perform work and is a feeling of temporary or chronic tiredness, malaise and low energy. In most cases fatigue is caused by stress, overwork, poor nutrition and a lack of physical fitness and restful sleep.

Noreen Kassem
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