The Best Diet for CIDP

 by Ireland Wolfe

Chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy, or CIDP, is an autoimmune disorder that involves nerve swelling and irritation. The cause of CIDP is usually not known, and it may occur with other chronic conditions, such as hepatitis, diabetes, HIV and lupus. Treatment often involves medication to treat the symptoms.

Chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy, or CIDP, is an autoimmune disorder that involves nerve swelling and irritation. The cause of CIDP is usually not known, and it may occur with other chronic conditions, such as hepatitis, diabetes, HIV and lupus. Treatment often involves medication to treat the symptoms. Although there is no specific diet for CIDP, certain foods can aggravate inflammation and make CIDP worse.


CIDP often leads to peripheral neuropathy, damaging nerves outside the brain or spinal cord. Chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy involves several nerves and usually affects both sides of the body equally. Symptoms include difficulty walking or using the limbs due to weakness, numbness, pain, burning, tingling and facial weakness. According to Pub Med Health, other symptoms of this disease may involve bladder or bowel problems, difficulty breathing, fatigue, uncoordinated movements and muscle atrophy. Outcome of the disease varies. Some people have permanent nerve loss, while others may experience periods of remission.


The aim of treatment is to control your symptoms. Your doctor will prescribe medications such as corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, and may prescribe other medications to suppress the immune system in more severe cases. Using plasma exchange, antibodies can be removed from your blood or antibodies can be added to reduce the negative effect of the problem causing antibodies. There is no specific diet for CIDP. However, certain foods can increase inflammation, which may increase the symptoms of CIDP.

Foods to Avoid

Saturated fat and trans fats may increase pro-inflammatory markers, especially in people who are overweight or who have diabetes. Foods that are high in these types of unhealthy fat include red meat, butter, cheese and ice cream. In addition, most processed foods, including fast foods, frozen foods and soups, are made with synthetic trans fat. Sugar and refined carbohydrates may also increase inflammation responses in some people. In general, eating a high-calorie diet can contribute to chronic inflammation.

Foods to Include

Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet for their natural anti-inflammatory properties. These types of food are a good source of antioxidants, which can limit the free radical damage in your body. Fruits and vegetables are high in various vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, which has known anti-inflammatory properties. Include essential fats in your diet that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Certain fatty fish, such as tuna and salmon, are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. You can also take a fish oil supplement.


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