Can You Tell If You Have High Cholesterol by an Eye Exam?

Your body makes its own cholesterol, which it needs to function properly; however, cholesterol is also found in many foods.

Kate Beck
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Factors Affecting Reliability in Psychological Tests

Psychologists who study psychometrics (the science of psychological test and measurements) identify two categories of factors that affect the reliability of psychological tests. The first category is factors related to the construction of the tests, these are called systemic errors and are built into the test.

Thom Mote
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Difference Between Cholesterol & Cholesterol Esters

Cholesterol and cholesterol esters are more similar than they are different; however, when considering their similarities several distinctions begin to arise. Cholesterol esters are derived from cholesterol itself.

Kent Seckinger
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Major Sources of Cholesterol

Cholesterol, a waxy substance found in some foods and manufactured in the body, is necessary for the production of certain hormones, bile and vitamin D. Too much cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol, can lead to a buildup of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries and interfere with blood flow to the heart.

Sandra Ketcham
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What Factors Affect Physical Development?

Physical development and growth are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. For example, malnutrition can delay a child’s physical development significantly.

Marie Cheour
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What Is a Healthy Hemoglobin Level?

Red blood cells carry oxygen to all cells in your body. Hemoglobin -- a protein found in red blood cells -- binds to oxygen molecules and delivers oxygen to tissues and cells via your circulatory system. When hemoglobin levels fall below normal levels, your body won't function optimally.

Janelle Commins
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How Do Cheerios Reduce Cholesterol?

In a study presented at the Experimental Biology Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana on April 20, 2009, Dr. Kevin C. Maki of Provident Clinical Research announced that eating the popular cereal Cheerios can help to lower serum cholesterol by up to 10 percent in one month.

Allen Smith
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What Is VLDL Cholesterol?

Very low density lipoproteins, or VLDL, are responsible for moving cholesterol, triglycerides and other lipids throughout the body. Lipoproteins are made up of cholesterol, triglycerides and proteins.

Angela Lang
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Does Sodium Affect Cholesterol?

Sodium and cholesterol are often mentioned together as things to cut back on and monitor for a healthy diet. Sodium, including sodium chloride or table salt, is used in food production as a preservative, to stabilize, bond ingredients, enhance color, as well as for flavoring.

Allison Buck
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Factors Affecting Individual Health

Various factors affect a person's health, and medical professionals classify them as internal and external. Internal factors -- also known as hereditary factors or acquired elements -- include smoking and personal diet or eating habits.

Paulette Awudza
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What Factors Affect Cognitive Development in Infants?

Cognitive development -- the brain's development -- often is associated with intellectual capacities, but also includes memory and sensory development. Though many parents are interested in the way genetics affects their infants, environment strongly affects a child's cognitive development.

Brenna Davis
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Can You Take Aspirin When You Are Taking Cholesterol Tablets?

Both aspirin and cholesterol-reducing medications such as statins play a part in reducing heart disease. Both reduce atherosclerosis, the main underlying factor in the risk of heart attack and stroke, according to an article published in the 2004 "U.S. Cardiology"

Sharon Perkins
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