What Are the Benefits of Amla Powder?

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a tree native to China, India and other tropical areas in Asia. The extract or powder obtained from these potent gooseberries has been primarily used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

Tyler Olsen
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What Are Some Oat Bran Products?

Oat bran is the high-fiber husk of oats that can reduce your cholesterol -- particularly the low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, which contributes to cardiovascular disease. It also provides several other health benefits, such as stabilizing blood sugar levels and controlling appetite.

Shannon Leigh O'Neil
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Foods High in Lignans

Lignans are chemicals found in the cells of plants. They are a class of phytonutrient or plant-nutrient called phytoestrogens. Lignans, according to Dr. Ray Sahelain, have many health benefits, including their affect on breast cancer, prostate cancer and brain function.

Norma Chew
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Foods High in Lecithin

Lecithin, or phosphatidylcholine, is one of the most abundant phospholipids, which are the structures that make up your cell membranes. Your body makes lecithin by breaking down the phosphatidylcholine in the foods you eat into choline and some phosphates, then building it up into lecithin for your own cells.

Natalie Stein
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Seafood That Is High in Cholesterol

Shellfish and other seafood have been previously classified as high cholesterol foods. However, according to Yale New Haven Hospital, those claims don't entirely stand up. Much of the excess cholesterol from seafood comes from polyunsaturated fats, which are actually beneficial to heart health.

Lillian Downey
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Pizza and Cholesterol

Pizza is one of those foods that can either be a healthy treat or violate all of your dietary guidelines. If you're buying pizza from one of the popular fast food chains, you're probably exceeding your daily allotments for fat, saturated fat, sodium and calories.

Livestrong Contributor
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