What Are the Treatments for an Avulsion Fracture?

Avulsion fractures occurs when a ligament or tendon attached to a bone partially detaches, taking a bone fragment with it. These fractures usually happen due to a forceful muscle contraction. In children, avulsion fractures are common in areas of the bone made up of cartilage.

Nicki Wolf
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The Best Walking Shoes to Prevent Stress Fractures of the Foot

Running shoes designed to prevent small breaks in the bones of the feet are not the same as walking shoes that aim to do the same. The motion is different, according to a walking information community called The Walking Site.

Michelle Leach
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Exercising With a Stress Fracture in the Foot

A foot stress fracture is often caused by high-impact activities and overtraining. It may be very painful, especially during weight-bearing activities. Therefore, swimming, cycling and other low-impact activities may be better alternatives to maintain your fitness level while the stress fracture heals.

Hannah Mich
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Exercises to Help Bend a Broken Finger

A broken finger can really put a crimp in your ability to perform daily tasks. These injuries often require several weeks of immobilization to allow the bone heal correctly. However, tendons that move your fingers and the ligaments that hold your finger bones together can become stiff. A study published in 2012 by "

Aubrey Bailey
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How to Heal a Fractured Bone

Although the time required to heal a bone fracture depends upon the health and age of the patient as well as the severity of the fracture, it generally takes several weeks to several months to heal, reports American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Elizabeth Jean
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Hip ORIF Rehab Exercises

The hip is a ball and socket joint and is susceptible to fractures. These bone injuries typically affect older people and commonly result from a fall. Hip fractures also occur in the younger population due to trauma, such as a motor vehicle accident or a fall from a high surface.

Aubrey Bailey
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Diet to Improve Healing of Bone Fractures

A bone fracture occurs when stress or impact separates a bone. It may be a complete fracture, in which the bone breaks all the way through, or an incomplete fracture, in which the bone cracks but does not separate. When a fracture occurs, your body must produce new bone cells to repair the break.

Owen Pearson
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Types of Back Braces for Compression Fractures

A compression fracture is the collapse of the vertebral spine usually caused by trauma to the spine, osteoporosis or tumors on the spine. They are most often found in the elderly with osteoporosis.

Amy Dixon
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Zygomaticus and Pain

The zygomaticus muscles make it possible for you to speak, chew and use your face to express emotions. You can injure these muscles by overuse or trauma. Because they are connected to the eye socket and the jawbone, injuries, irritation or disease in these areas can affect the zygomaticus as well.

Mary Bauer
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How to Look After a Child With a Broken Tibia at Home

A shinbone, or tibia, fracture is the most common type of long bone fracture that can occur, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Tibia fractures are common in children and can be the result of sports injuries, tripping and falling or a motor vehicle accident.

Michelle Zehr
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Cracked, Peeling & Itchy Skin After a Cast

Depending on the severity of a break, a cast can remain over your skin for up to 10 weeks. A cast protects your skin from damage of sun exposure and other environmental concerns that could cause problems with the bone; however, temporary skin discomforts can occur once the cast is removed.

Melissa McNamara
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Treatment for a Broken Fibula

Lower leg fractures can occur from trauma, falls, sports injuries or overuse. Fractures of the fibula bone -- the smaller of the two bones of the lower leg -- can be minor hairline cracks or severe enough to interfere with your ability to bear weight and walk.

Aubrey Bailey
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