Emotional, Physical & Mental Effects of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is generally characterized by extreme cycles of depressed and manic behaviors. Those suffering from extreme forms of mania are typically diagnosed with Bipolar I, whereas someone with hypomania (less severe forms of mania) is more likely to be given a diagnosis of Bipolar II.

Trey Asbury
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How to Discontinue Seroquel

Stopping Seroquel without talking to a doctor first could prove risky. Seroquel, or quetiapine fumarate, is a FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved prescription medication used to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The drug is considered an "atypical antipsychotic"

Terri Peerenboom
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What Chemicals Are Involved With Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disorder, refers to a group of mood disorders that varies in the severity of episodes of mania and depression and the predominant type of episode. Certain chemicals, also called neurotransmitters, act as messengers between neurons in the brain.

Melissa Lingohr-Smith
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