Cooking Oats for a Baby

Not only can oatmeal be delicious, it also makes an ideal grain for infants with its beneficial nutritional content. The whole grain of oatmeal, combined with its high fiber and low fat make it a delicious breakfast menu item for your baby and the rest of the family, as well.

Jessica Bruso
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Constipation in Preemie Newborns

Preemie babies have more trouble with constipation than full-term babies for several reasons. Decreased muscle tone, preemie formulas and a history of bowel infections can all contribute to problems with stools in premature babies, even after they come out of the hospital.

Sharon Perkins
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What Kind of Beans Are Good for Babies?

Beans are a major source carbohydrates, protein and fiber. They are filled with important nutrients including iron, calcium, B vitamins and fiber that help nourish your baby's growing body. They can be mashed or pureed, or an older baby can enjoy them in their whole form.

Lindsay Ingalls
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What Is the Difference Between First-Stage and Second-Stage Baby Food?

The vast array of different stages and flavors of baby food on store shelves can be overwhelming, and might leave you wondering what you should feed your baby. Many brands of baby food are sold in stages, which can help you determine what kinds of foods and how much you should serve your little one.

Sara Ipatenco
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Can Formula Make a Baby's Cough Worse?

When you hear your baby cough, it may cause you to worry, but his cough is a common reflex that helps protect his airways, notes Kids Health. It may happen because of irritations or it could be removing secretions from his lungs, according to

Sharon Perkins
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Are Raisins Dangerous for Children?

Small children choke easily due to their small airways, decreased cough reflex and unfortunate tendency to put things in their mouth. Every five days, an American child dies from choking, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Sharon Perkins
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Can Eating Peas or Squash as a First Food Cause Severe Constipation in Babies?

A high-fiber content means that both peas and squash should make healthy first foods and neither should result in constipation. That said, when starting any new solid, remember to introduce it at intervals while maintaining your baby's liquid diet to avoid complications.

Graham Rix
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Applesauce and Allergic Reaction in Babies

Applesauce is easy, inexpensive and a favorite first fruit for many babies. As with any new food you introduce to your baby, he might exhibit an allergic reaction. Babies allergic to applesauce have a pollen allergy rather than a food allergy and typically display oral symptoms.

Michelle Fisk
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Nutritional Value of Baby Spring Mix

The average American consumes about 30 pounds of lettuce every year, making it second only to potatoes in U.S. vegetable popularity, according to Hidden Valley. Despite this, most Americans still fail to consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, as recommended by the American Cancer Society.

Alli Rainey
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What Should a 16-Month-Old Eat?

Watching your toddler enjoy new foods and look forward to eating can be rewarding. By the time your baby is 16 months old, he can eat most solid foods.

Ellen McCormick
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How to Cook Salmon for a Baby

In addition to being rich in protein, which is a nutrient that growing babies need, salmon also supplies omega-3 fatty acids, which support normal eye and brain development. At about 6 months of age, your baby is ready to eat solid foods, in addition to her usual breast milk or formula.

Sara Ipatenco
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Natural Ways to Stimulate Breastmilk Production

Low breast milk supply is a common concern among many nursing mothers. While most moms produce enough milk to feed their baby, there are natural ways to encourage a larger supply. These include nursing more frequently, staying well-hydrated and consuming foods that encourage milk production.

Christina Fitzgerald, MS, RD, LD/N
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