Natural and Organic Home Remedies for Baby Rashes

As your baby grows, different rashes may appear on his skin. Conventional doctors will prescribe steroid creams, antibiotics and other remedies. While mainstream baby rash cures often cure the rash just fine, you might be interested in finding organic home remedies for these rashes.

Sarah Bourque
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How to Get a Baby with an Ear Infection to Sleep

Ear infections are usually caused by bacteria and can result in a wide variety of symptoms in your baby, including pain and pressure felt in the ears. Ear infections can cause your baby to become irritable and fussy, also. Your baby may also grab onto his ears, experience diarrhea or a reduced appetite.

Michelle Zehr
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How to Soothe a Baby's Earache

Babies can suffer an earache for many reasons, including sinus pressure from a cold, teething and an ear infection. Signs of an earache may include pulling on the ears, shaking the head, crying, irritability and trouble sleeping. In many cases, parents can soothe their baby's earache with home remedies.

Maria Magher
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Pros and Cons of Swaddling Your Baby

Swaddling infants was commonplace before the 18th century, and the practice is gaining a new following in the United States since swaddling babies has several benefits and very little risk. Swaddling can also benefit you as a new parent, as handling a calm newborn who sleeps well will help you to stay calm and rested.

Hannah Wickford
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Should You Let a Newborn Cry Himself to Sleep?

"Crying it out" is a practice that began late in the 20th century as a tool for sleep-training older babies. Sleep-training is adjusting an infant's sleep habits to teach him to sleep through the night, on a regular schedule.

Jonita Davis
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What Should You Do with a Fussy Baby Who Won't Nap

Nothing can make you question your parenting skills quite like trying to soothe a fussy baby who needs a nap, but refuses to succumb to sleep.

Ashley Marquez
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How to Clean Wax from a Baby's Ear

Mild to moderate earwax buildup is common in children of all ages. Though you can wipe the external ear clean with a washcloth, the website Ask Dr. Sears recommends that you leave any wax inside the ear canal alone.

Katie Leigh
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How to Get Rid of a Baby's Heat Rash

Heat rash, sometimes called prickly heat, is a common skin condition in infants and young children and occurs when the pores of the sweat glands become blocked. It is seen more often in infants as their pores are much smaller than those on an adult.

Wallis Bishop
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Building a Bond, 12 Ways

As your eyes meet and you smile at the blessing in your arms, you know that this precious child will change your life. Finding ways to communicate your love, adoration and the need to nurture your baby often comes naturally.

Shannon Philpott
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