Signs of Autism in a 9 Month Old

According to Jeanne Segal, PhD, signs of autism become evident between the ages of 18 and 36 months old, with diagnosis typically taking place by the age of three. However, symptoms can be noticed as early as infancy.

Hannah Rice Myers
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Signs of Autism in Children 4 Years Old

Autism, according to the Autism Society of America, is one of the five pervasive developmental disorder (PDDs). These neurological disorders cause severe impairment in several areas of development. Considered one of the most common PDDs, autism occurs in approximately one out of every 100 births.

Hannah Rice Myers
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Activities for Low Functioning People With Autism

Low-functioning people with autism often engage in self-stimulating behaviors such as rocking back and forth in their seats, flicking fingers in front of their eyes or putting objects in their mouths. Sensory activities provide the stimulation that their nervous systems seem to be seeking.

Barbara A. Smith
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Symptoms of Gluten-Free Detox

You may choose to remove gluten from your diet in hopes that it will clear up some of your digestive complaints or even your neurological symptoms. Other people may choose to remove all grains from their diet to improve digestion during a complete detoxification.

Katie Bauer, MA, NE, CH
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Signs of Autism in a Three-Year-Old

Autism spectrum disorders -- ASDs -- are a group of developmental disorders that begin in childhood. Symptoms range from mild to severe. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ASD affects 1 out of every 88 children in the United States.

Hannah Rice Myers
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Group Activities for Autism

Cooperative games are an ideal way for autistic children to practice social skills in a fun, non-threatening environment. Cooperative group activities are most effective in teaching social skills when the activity is based on the children's preferred themes.

Tricia Ballad
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Gluten-Free Pasta Ingredients

Foods that include wheat, barley and rye are not allowed on a gluten-free diet. Traditional pasta is made with refined flour, whole wheat flour or semolina, a course grind of durum wheat. Many people who must follow gluten-free diets for health reasons purchase specially made gluten-free pastas.

Andrea Cespedes
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Signs & Symptoms of Excessive Salt Intake in Children

Children younger than age 14 should consume no more than 6 grams of sodium daily, depending upon their age, according to health professionals with the Food Standards Agency. Consuming more than the recommended amount of sodium every day puts them at risk of developing a number of health-related signs and symptoms.

Rae Uddin
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Signs & Symptoms of Sodium Benzoate Intolerance in Children

Sodium benzoate is a common food preservative and additive used in many manufactured food products. Many people have an intolerance to sodium benzoate, especially children. Some research has shown that, among its possible symptoms, a sodium benzoate intolerance may be tied to hyperactivity in children.

Ashley Miller
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Is Worcestershire Sauce Gluten Free?

When following a gluten-free diet, you have to be careful of sneaky ingredients. Worcestershire sauce often contains gluten, despite a lack of obvious labeling on the bottle.

Samantha Scruggs
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Symptoms of Babies Born to Fathers with Addictions

While drug addiction in pregnant women can affect fetal development, drug addiction in fathers doesn't normally affect the baby at the time of birth. Addiction can affect sperm quality and development, but these defects usually cause early miscarriage rather than birth defects.

Sharon Perkins
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Is Margarita Mix Gluten Free?

If you have gluten intolerance, also known as celiac disease, you already know that you need to scrutinize labels of any products that might contain wheat, rye or barley. As little as one-eighth of a tsp. of the gluten protein found in these grains can set off a reaction.

Sharon Perkins
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