Antibiotics Used to Treat Staphylococcus Aureus

Staphylococci are a circular-shaped family of bacteria that often inhabit the skin. Staph aureus is noted by The Merck Manuals Online Medical Library to be a dangerous species of bacteria within the family.

Dr. Shavon Jackson-Michel, ND
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5 Things You Need to Know About Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin is a version of the common antibiotic, penicillin. It treats infections by killing bacteria and preventing new growth. It treats a bevy of infections including Lyme disease, typhoid fever, peptic ulcer disease and chlamydia infections in pregnant women.

Livestrong Contributor
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Antibiotics for a Breast Infection

Infection of the breast, a condition called mastitis, can occur when microbes enter cracks in the skin and colonize within a milk duct, usually but not always at a time in life when the mother is nursing. Mastitis can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungal microbes, and can affect one or both of the breasts.

Sylvie Tremblay, MSc
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Probiotic Dosage After Antibiotics

The strain and dosage of probiotics you need to take while using antibiotics depends on the reason you're using probiotics. Common side effects of antibiotic usage include diarrhea and yeast infections caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans.

Maura Shenker
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Vitamins That Work as Natural Antibiotic

Antibiotics are medications prescribed by your physician to help fight off foreign bacteria that can make you ill. Not only do harmful bacteria make you sick, but they are also easily spreadable to others.

Melodie Anne
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Antibiotics for Sinus Infections

Sinus infections, referred to as sinusitis, are one of the most common reasons why people seek medical treatment. Symptoms include facial pressure and pain, congested and runny nose and sometimes fever. Sinusitis is typically due to either a virus associated with the common cold or a bacterial infection.

Doug Dohrman
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Antibiotics for a Toothache Infection

An infection in a tooth can result from trauma, a complication of tooth decay or as a result of a dead tooth. The infection can be present in the pulp inside the tooth, the bone around the end of the tooth or the gum tissue.

Gail Morris
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Amoxicillin Effects on Birth Control

If you rely on oral contraceptives for birth control, chances are you have heard that antibiotics like amoxicillin can decrease their effectiveness. You may be wondering how this can occur and if it is true.

Staci Eastin
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Amoxicillin for Cellulitis

The skin serves as a protective barrier against a wide range of bacteria that are present in the environment. Breaks or cracks in the skin allow these bacteria to enter and cause a skin infection called cellulitis.

Sandy Keefe
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Cure for a Bronchial Infection

Bronchial infection, more commonly referred to as bronchitis, is a form of viral infection. The virus attacks the bronchial tubes that lead to the airway, inflaming them and making it hard to breathe.

Patrick Cameron
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Antibiotics Used for Gum Infection

Gum infection, or periodontitis, is an infection of the soft tissues and bones that support the teeth and can lead to tooth loss, increased risk of heart attack or stroke and other serious health problems. Poor oral hygiene is the most important cause for the disease.

Shamala Pulugurtha
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Natural Ways to Get Rid of Antibiotic Drugs in the Body

Whether you've been treated recently for a bacterial infection, or have been consuming large quantities of animal products, you likely have residual antibiotics in your system.

Michelle Matte
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