How to Tell When Your Husband Is Lying

Whether they are small, innocent half truths, or something more serious, a husband's lies can create distrust and contempt--and spoil a relationship. If you believe that your husband has something to hide, examining his body language, making eye contact and asking for details can alert you to holes in his story.

Causes & Effects of Child Abuse

When a child experiences physical or emotional abuse, the wounds run skin deep. Kids who suffer repeated trauma feel lonely, scared, worthless and unloved, which is exactly the opposite of how children should feel.

How to Stop a Bullying Husband

Although most people associate bullying with children on the playground or in the classroom, bullying can be a part of adult relationships as well. Bullying can occur in marriage, when one spouse seeks to belittle, control or intimidate the other.

Can a Child File a Restraining Order Against an Abusive Parent?

A mechanism exists for a child who is victimized by an abusive to access the court system to obtain a restraining order, according to the American Bar Association Section of Family Law.

How to Prove Emotional Child Abuse for Custody

An allegation of emotional abuse of children plays a significant role in a child custody determination in a divorce, legal separation or paternity proceeding, according to "Child Custody A to Z" by Guy J. White.

Bed Wetting and Child Abuse

Bed wetting is a common childhood disorder, affecting between 5 to 7 million children ages 6 and over in the United States, according to the National Kidney Foundation. Problem bed wetting is defined as wetting the bed twice a week on average.

How to Prove that a Spouse is Cheating

While you may suspect your spouse of cheating, it may be challenging to actually prove it. Finding physical evidence was the successful method of uncovering deception in only 18 percent of cases, according to a survey titled "How People Really Detect Lies."

How to Get a Restraining Order Against Bad Neighbors

If you find yourself struggling with neighbors who disturb your peace, harass you or otherwise interfere with your quiet enjoyment of your home, you have the ability to seek a restraining order against them.

How to Tell if Friend Is Cheating With My Husband?

Infidelity puts a strain on any relationship, leaving you reeling from the emotions that come along with discovering a cheating husband. Learning that your husband has been cheating with one of your friends provides a double dose of pain, leaving you to wonder who you can trust.

How to Fix a Controlling Relationship

Controlling relationships can be destructive to individuals in many ways. These patterns of behavior may lead to social isolation or damage a person’s self esteem. In severe cases, controlling behavior can eventually culminate in emotional and/or physical abuse.

How to Get Rid of a Possessive Boyfriend

Possessiveness can compromise your ability to interact with your friends and family members because your boyfriend always wants to know what you are doing, or wants you to do everything with him. When a boyfriend becomes possessive, that could be a warning sign that it is time to end the relationship.

Child Abandonment Laws in Pennslyvania

Pennsylvania has various laws dealing with issues of child abuse, neglect and abandonment. Though there is no specific state statute addressing child abandonment, the state prohibits anyone with responsibility over a child to endanger a child's health and well-being.