Is Your Doctor Missing What's Wrong With You?
On the 5th episode of the Stronger podcast, LIVESTRONG.COM editor Michelle Vartan talks to author and physician Dr. Taz about integrative medicine.
How to Know When to Go to the ER vs. Urgent Care
How can you tell when a visit to the ER is necessary? Sometimes cost-efficient urgent care centers are a better bet, other times an ER trip is warranted.
Does Medicare Pay for Life Alert?
Life Alert is a medical emergency response system that dispatches help to seniors in the event of fire, poisoning or medical emergency.
What Are the Disadvantages of Hospice Care?
Hospice care is a form of supervised care that allows terminally ill individuals to be as comfortable as possible in the final days of their life.
6 Ways the Election Results Can Impact Your Health
Your guide to how the 2016 elections will directly impact the health of Americans across the nation.
Top 10 Nursing Schools in Georgia
The top 10 nursing schools in Georgia are based on enrollment and offer undergraduate and graduate programs, while several also offer doctorate degrees. Several of these schools offer fast-track programs as well as bridge or transfer options.
Top 10 Best Nursing Schools in the Philippines
The Philippines has become one of the top providers of nurses in the United States and other parts of the world. This is because the nurses in the Philippines are known worldwide to be committed in their jobs.
Rules for Donating Plasma
Like other forms of blood donation, a plasma donation can prove lifesaving to others. Plasma is the liquid portion of your blood. It contains many important proteins that help fight infections and enable the blood to clot. But before heading to a local donation facility, there are some eligibility rules to consider.
A Comparison of Effexor & Pristiq
The medications Effexor and Pristiq are similar in composition and produced by the same manufacturer, so many people are unclear about how the two medications differ from one another.
How Does an Ambu Bag Work?
In a medical emergency, rescue workers can help a patient breathe using a squeezable bag with a face mask called the Ambu bag. Before its invention, rescue breathing attempts were often futile. Those efforts, including mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, caused more problems than they solved.
5 Ways to Identify Nipple Problems
Stand in front of a full-length mirror, look carefully at both breasts and examine your nipples. It's not necessarily abnormal if one nipple looks different from the other, but be alert for changes in the nipple that are possible signs of a problem.
Seat Belt Injury Symptoms
Seat belts and airbags can help to prevent serious injuries in a car accident. At the same time, these protective devices can create physical problems themselves, report doctors at MedStar Emergency Medical Services. Seat belt injuries may not always seem immediately obvious.