Can Herbs Help You Get Rid of Ingrown Hair?

An ingrown hair occurs when a shaved or tweezed hair grows in and curves back into the skin, causing inflammation, bumps and pain. While ingrown hairs are particularly common in African-American males between the ages of 14 and 25, anyone who shaves can experience ingrown hairs, report doctors at the Mayo Clinic.

What Can I Use on a Pimple on My Upper Lip?

A pimple on the upper lip can be unsightly and painful. The lips are among the most sensitive areas of the body, so harsh treatments may cause rashes and skin irritation. Some chemicals that are fine for the face and other areas of the body pose a danger when used on the lips because they may be ingested.

How to Prevent Face Irritation From Electric Razor

When you make the switch to an electric razor, you may find it irritates your skin. This is likely because your face and skin need to adjust to the changes in pressure and heat that come with using an electric razor over a traditional straight razor.

The Best Way to Get Rid of Dark, Thick Upper Lip Hair

Dark, thick upper-lip hair can be embarrassing and unsightly, but a hairless upper lip is easier to come by than you might think. A variety of options exist to remove stubborn upper-lip hair -- everything from waxing and strong creams to laser treatment and threading can do the job nicely.

Facial Hair & Acne in Women in Their 30s

Many women continue to experience acne well beyond adolescence, and hormone fluctuations likely cause these breakouts.

How to Trim Pubic Hair for Women

According to Milady's Standard: Fundamentals for Estheticians, the dawn of the bikini swimsuit in the 1980s made it popular for women to shorten the length of their pubic hair.

Home Remedy for the Removal of Facial Hair

Having unwanted hair on your face can be frustrating and embarrassing. It can make you feel self-conscious about how your face looks. You may find a few hair strands growing near your ears and above your lips. The most common causes of unwanted facial hair include genetics, prescription drugs and stress.

Can Home Remedies Help Facial Pockmarks?

According to Mayo, the most common treatments for facial pock marks and acne scars include laser treatments, surgery, dermabrasion and tissue fillers like collagen. While these treatments do work, they are expensive and somewhat invasive and may not be worth the cost for some people.

Nair Hair Removal Tips

If you're tired of shaving every day or dread the pain of waxing, you might consider switching to a product like Nair. Nair is a depilatory that contains agents that painlessly dissolve hair, leaving you with baby smooth skin for days and stubble that grows in softer.

How to Remove Dandruff Permanently

Dandruff is most often caused by seborrheic dermatitis, according to Jeanette Jacknin in her book "Smart Medicine for Your Skin: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding." This is when the oil glands in your scalp overproduce and push out itchy, dried flakes of oil and dead skin cells.

How to Remove Facial, Pubic & Body Hair Painlessly

Excess hair is a concern that plagues both men and women. Though some hair removal methods, such as waxing, cause pain, some options do not. If you have a low tolerance for pain or want to try a new method, consider friction hair removal.

Home Remedies for a Facial Scrub

Facial scrubs are used to remove dead skin from the face, leading to a healthier complexion, according to Pamela Hill's "Advanced Face and Body Treatments for the Spa." Scrubs, sometimes known as "glows," may be used as a home remedy for skin problems.