Rash After a C-Section

A rash after a Cesarean section may be present because of cellulitis, contact dermatitis from surgical staples or in response to an allergic reaction from narcotics used for pain management. If you experience a rash after this procedure, contact your doctor so you can reduce your discomfort as soon as possible.

How to Use Stairs After a C-Section

A Caesarean section is a major abdominal surgery. If you've recently had a C-section, your body will need several weeks to heal. Your doctor may tell you not to use the stairs for a week or more following the procedure. Always follow your doctor's advice to speed your healing and prevent injuring yourself.

Headache After C-Section

In the United States, doctors deliver 32 percent of babies -- nearly one out of every three births -- through cesarean deliveries, according to 2007 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How to Tone Up a C-Section Belly

Every new mom' s belly looks a little flabby after pregnancy, but those who have had a C-section may find the lack of tone to be a little more pronounced.

Stomach Discomfort After a C-Section

Cesarean births are not unusual in the United States. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released in 2007 show that almost a third of births involve c-section deliveries. Yet while this procedure is common, it is not without significant risks to both women and their babies.

Multiple C-Section Complications

A cesarean section, or c-section, is the surgical removal of a baby through the mother’s abdomen. C-sections are generally considered safe but they are associated with risks and those risks continue to increase with each c-section.

Can I Eat Before a C-Section?

Preparing yourself mentally and physically for your scheduled C-section by talking to your doctor and touring the maternity ward can help make your baby’s birth go more smoothly.

Signs of Labor in a Second Pregnancy

While nothing in life is certain, there’s a good chance that your second labor will differ from your first in a number of ways. Both you and your uterus have been down this road before, so you know -- or think you know -- what to expect when labor starts.

Does Chamomile Tea Induce Labor?

Chamomile is a herb that closely resembles and is closely related to the common daisy. Scientifically, chamomile is called Matricaria recutita or Chamomilla recutita. There is no reputable evidence that chamomile can induce labor.

How to Stop Itching After an Epidural

Itching is a side effect associated with the administration of an epidural for pain relief. An epidural is pain medication or anesthesia delivered by injection to the spaces that surround the sacs called dura in your spine. Not everyone who has an epidural experiences itching, and the intensity of the sensation varies.

Abnormal Periods After Childbirth

Menstrual cycles cease during pregnancy. After a woman gives birth, menstrual cycles may not occur at the same interval or last the same amount of time as they did before pregnancy. Some women also experience a change in menstrual flow, with periods becoming lighter or heavier.

When Does a Baby Drop in the Womb?

As your pregnancy progresses, the excitement and anticipation continues to mount. You likely dream of what your baby will look like and long to hold her in your arms. Throughout this experience, your body has been going through major changes, and you've probably experienced a wide range of symptoms.