Are There Side Effects to Using Senna Laxatives?

Constipation is a common condition and it can be treated in many ways, such as eating a balanced diet, drinking adequate fluids and taking oral medications, if needed. Senna is an herbal non-prescription laxative that is FDA approved.

Causes for Sweaty Hands in Children

Children as young as 6 or 7 can have hands that sweat excessively. This symptom can cause discomfort and social embarrassment. Several conditions have symptoms that include sweaty hands, but measures are available to provide relief.

Diet Needs for Perforated Bowel

A perforated bowel is a serious condition, and immediate action such as surgery needs to be taken to prevent infection and death, according to the Merck Manual. Bacteria from the bowel can spill into the abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis, an infection of the abdominal lining.

Home Remedies for Constipation for Babies

Constipation is a common problem for babies because they have immature digestive systems. Constipation has many causes, including dehydration when the body absorbs fluid from the bowels. It can also occur as a result of a new diet, such as with a baby who is starting to eat solid food.

Baking Soda & Water for Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are very common bacterial infections that can affect men and women of all ages, although they are 10 times more common in women than in men, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. These infections require the treatment of a physician.

Can Too Much Potassium Cause Constipation?

Potassium is an essential dietary mineral, but getting too much of it can have negative repercussions. Constipation is not a common side effect of consuming too much potassium specifically; instead, a combination of dietary factors often contribute to gastrointestinal problems.

Exercises for an Anal Fissure

Anal fissures are tears in the lining of the anus, the opening through which stools pass from your body. They can also leave tags hanging from the anal opening. Anal fissures are fairly common and usually produce symptoms such as burning, pain and bleeding, particularly during or after a bowel movement.

What Are the Treatments for Mycoplasma Infections?

Mycoplasma are part of the normal flora of the human oral cavity and the genital tract.

Why Do Jalapenos Give Me Stomach Aches?

Jalapenos are enjoyed in Mexican foods for their spicy flavor, but may cause stomach aches if you have certain digestive conditions. Not all stomach aches from eating jalapenos are cause for concern. If you’re sensitive to bloating and gas, you may develop gas pains after eating jalapenos.

Diet for Anal Fissures

An anal fissure can be a source of intense discomfort and pain. The treatment of these fissures centers around a balanced diet that promotes a healthy digestive tract. Over 90 percent of anal fissures heal without surgery, according to the American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons.

Iron Supplements Causing Blood in Stools

Iron is an essential mineral that is important in the production of red blood cells. Lack of iron in the diet leads to iron deficiency anemia.

How to Reduce Acid in Urine

When urine becomes acidic, uric acid stones may form in the kidneys. Kidney stones cause symptoms such as pain in the back or side, burning during urination, blood in the urine and nausea. Lab tests on your urine can determine the acidity level and screen for risk factors that may cause the kidney stones.