Are Moses Baskets Safe for Babies?

Moses baskets, made from woven material, have great visual appeal. Named for the type of basket Moses' mother might have put him in to float down the river, these baskets are similar to a bassinet but often feature a handle for carrying.

What Are the Dangers of Throwing a Baby Up High?

Any activity that requires excessive force can result in injuries to a baby. Throwing a baby up high in the air poses several risks -- from whipping his head to an unintentional fall. If you still want to play with your baby in this manner, it's much safer to gently toss him than throw him high into the air.

Teething & Screaming in Infants

Most babies begin to teethe when they are between 6 and 8 months old, but the process can begin as early as 3 months, according to the National Institutes of Health's website, MedlinePlus. Teething can be an uncomfortable time for your baby and result in mild to moderate irritability and screaming.

When Can You Stop Using Baby Gates?

Baby safety gates can be placed around your home to keep your little one safe from falling down the stairs and from getting into places he shouldn’t. Unfortunately, at a certain point, the gates will not keep your child contained and should be removed.

When Can Premature Babies Eat Baby Food?

A baby is considered premature if he's born earlier than the 37th week of pregnancy. A preemie should be introduced to solid foods around four to six months after his expected due date -- rather than his actual date of birth, notes

Feeding a Baby Kiwi & An Allergic Reaction

Feeding your baby solid foods can be a daunting task as he experiences new tastes and learns what he likes. Allergic reactions to foods are also an important concern for parents. Food allergens can cause potentially dangerous reactions.

How Long Should a Baby Cry When He's Going to Sleep?

A school of thought holds that letting your baby "cry it out" teaches him to fall asleep without comfort. Some sleep and parenting experts swear by the value of letting your baby soothe himself, while others believe you should swoop in to provide comfort at the first tear.

How to Attach a Changing Pad to a Dresser

Many parents don't have room for both a dresser and a changing table in their baby's nursery. A changing table is a convenient way to change diapers and the top of a dresser converted for this purpose allows you to have storage and a clean surface combined in one piece of furniture.

How to Use Garlic to Loosen Phlegm in an Infant

A build up of phlegm, thick mucus produced by your infant's lungs and upper airways, can cause significant distress for your infant. There are numerous causes of increased phlegm production, such as respiratory infection, irritation, lung disease and cystic fibrosis.

What Kind of Food Is Good for a Baby's Heart Development?

Proper nutrition plays an essential role in the development of your child’s cardiovascular system. Like adults, babies require adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, along with essential vitamins and minerals to develop properly.

Cooking Oats for a Baby

Not only can oatmeal be delicious, it also makes an ideal grain for infants with its beneficial nutritional content. The whole grain of oatmeal, combined with its high fiber and low fat make it a delicious breakfast menu item for your baby and the rest of the family, as well.

Exercises That Help With Stiffness in Babies' Legs & Arms

It's rare that a baby needs formal exercise and stretching. In fact, if you watch your baby's movements, you'll notice that he stretches and contracts his body naturally while sleeping and during his alert times throughout the day.